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Foster’s store at Quorn, c. 1890s

Steam Motor No. 1, known as the Coffee Pot, in front of the Quorn railway station. Locomotive is still in operation on the Pichi Richi railway in Quorn.

Quorn loco depot, c. 1900

Quorn railway dam, c. 1900s

Quorn railway yard, c. 1900s

The original wooden built Quorn station, c. 1900s

A festive gathering at Quorn, c. 1900s

Quorn Loco depot and carriage sheds, c. 1900s

Quorn railway station, c. 1910s. Photo by PC Green of Iron Knob.

Y Class locomtive 81 at Quorn, c. 1910s

John Coffey, father of Mollie (Walsh) and Jim Coffey of Quorn, c. 1910. Coffey was the fireman on a locomootive that fell into a culvert after a washaway just south of Brachina on the Oodndatta line in January 1911. Engineman SE Rowe was killed in the accident.

Fireman SE Rowe killed in the Brachina accident, 28 January 1911

Funeral of SE Rowe at Quorn, 1911. Rowe was killed in the Brachina train accident.

Coal train derailment by a boiler explosion after leaving Port Augusta for Quorn on 28 March 1914. SLSA B 31182

Coal train derailment by a boiler explosion after leaving Port Augusta for Quorn on 28 March 1914. SLSA B 31177

Coal train derailment by a boiler explosion after leaving Port Augusta for Quorn on 28 March 1914. SLSA B 31179

Coal train derailment by a boiler explosion after leaving Port Augusta for Quorn on 28 March 1914. SLSA B 31180

Coal train derailment by a boiler explosion after leaving Port Augusta for Quorn on 28 March 1914. SLSA B57497.

Quorn wheat stack, 1918

Quorn railway station, c. 1920s

Passengers boarding at the Quorn railway station, c. 1920s

Decorated narrow gauge locomotive which conveyed the Prince of Wales from Quorn to Terowie, 1920

Decorated narrow gauge locomotive which conveyed the Prince of Wales from Quorn to Terowie, 1920

Decorated narrow gauge locomotive which conveyed the Prince of Wales from Quorn to Terowie, 1920

Decorated narrow gauge locomotive which conveyed the Prince of Wales from Quorn to Terowie, 1920

Decorated narrow gauge locomotive which conveyed the Prince of Wales from Quorn to Terowie, 1920

Decorated T Class locomotive, used for the visit of the Prince of Wales, 1920. The locomotive ran non-stop from Terowie to Quorn.

Decorated narrow gauge locomotive which conveyed the Prince of Wales from Quorn to Terowie, 1920

The Quorn ford in flood, 1921

Washaway at the Willochra Bridge north of Quorn, 1921

The first movement to work Quorn to Port Augusta, 1925. The man at the front of the locomotive is Robert Thompson who was Mayor of Quorn for many years.

Back to Quorn train, 24 September 1928. Photo by Fred Eckert.

T Class locomotive decorated for the Back to Quorn celebrations in September 1928. Peterborough enginemen Lou Morgan on footplate and Dick Klaebe third from right.

Quorn railway yard, 1937

Railway Terrace Quorn, 1937

T Class locomotive 203 at the Quorn loco depot, c. 1940s.

Locomotive for Thompson’s Seaside Picnic, c. 1940s. The annual Thompson’s Seaside Picnic, named after a mayor of Quorn, was started in the 1920s so that the people of Quorn could have a day at the beach at Port Augusta.

Quorn railway barracks, 1949. L: Charlie Waterman, E. Stephens, Lloyd Giles, __?, Bonham.

Quorn barracks, 1949. (L to R): Charlie Hill, Harold Sutton, Ross Retallack, Charlie Waterman, Ron Bonham, Tony Kopsc, Mick Strungs. Taken by Don Rhind of Terowie.

Quorn Commonwealth Railways single men’s quarters, 1949

Commonwealth railcar at Quorn, c. 1950s

Commonwealth railcar at Quorn, c. 1950s

Railway employees at the Quorn barracks, c. 1950s. __?, Bill Evans, Des Willis. Des Willis Collection.

Quorn railway station with the train control room on the right hand side, c. 1950s

Railway employees __?, George Carter, Wally Huer, __? at the Quorn barracks, c. 1950s

Quorn Railway Station, c. 1950s

Quorn loco depot, c. 1950s

Employees rest van in the Quorn traffic yard, c. 1950s

Early steam locomotive at Quorn, c. 1950s

T Class locos in the Quorn railway yard looking north, c. 1950s

Quorn loco depot, 1950

Quorn railway yard, c. 1950s

Quorn loco depot, c. 1950s

Commonwealth steam locomotive at Quorn, c. 1950s

T Class locomotives 221 and 157 leaving Quorn, 31 December 1952. T 221 was the first engine Lionel Noble fired on the Broken Hill Express.

T Class locomotives 48 and 47 leaving Quorn for Peterborough on 30 December 1952. Engineman Kevin Norman on T 48.

T Class locomotives 48 and 47 leaving Quorn for Peterborough on 30 December 1952. Engineman Kevin Norman on T 48.

T Class locomotives 221 and 197 with coal train leaving Quorn for Peterborough, 31 December 1952.

Quorn loco depot, 29 December 1952

T Class locomotive 214 with the old style pilot at Quorn loco depot, 29 December 1953

Brill Railcar 105 at Quorn, 1957. This was the first railcar to run to Peterborough after a long recess.

Brill railcar 105 which was the first rail car to leave Quorn replacing the steam mixed on 1 July 1957. Crew of Malcolm Rasmus and John Wozniak.

Quorn war memorial, 1959

This building was the facade of a shop built at Quorn across the road from the Transcontinental Hotel, 1959. It was part of the set for the 1960 film ‘The Sundowners’ starring Deborah Kerr, Robert Mitchum and Peter Ustinov.

This building was the facade of a shop built at Quorn across the road from the Transcontinental Hotel, 1959. It was part of the set for the 1960 film ‘The Sundowners’ starring Deborah Kerr, Robert Mitchum and Peter Ustinov.

Quorn township, 1960

T Class locomotive 241 hauling a Leigh Creek coal movement leaving Quorn for Peterborough, c. 1960s

The Williams family of Quorn, c. 1960s

Quorn resident Bill Williams, c. 1960s

Harold ‘Spider’ Willard at 70 years of age, 1961. Harold was the WWII caretaker of the Quorn loco barracks.

Quorn railway employee Dick Williams, 1961

T Class locomotive 211 on the Quorn turntable, 1965. Lionel Noble, Cliff Sleep and Bain Sims.

T Class locomotive 199 at Quorn, December 1967

Brill Railcar 106 at Quorn, 26 June 1967. Max Adams driver.

T Class locomotive 211 leaving Quorn for Peterborough, 5 February 1968

T Class locomotive 211 adjacent to the overhead water tank at Quorn, 5 February 1968

T Class locomotive 211 at Quorn, 2 December 1968. Photo by M Billett.

Narrow gauge sand truck and water wagon (3000 gallons) used on the Quorn line, September 1969

Railway festivities at Quorn, c. 1970s

Peterborough engineman Eric Rann at Quorn, 1970

The last steam double header at Quorn, 1970

Commonwealth NT Class locomotive N177 crew at Quorn, c. 1970s. Engineman Ken Stokes to the left.

Quorn station master Joe Summerton, 1970

Quorn Railway Station, c. 1970s

Quorn railway station, c. 1970

George Klein, Quorn railway porter, 1974

T Class locomotive 186 hauling a special passenger movement at Quorn, 1978.

Brake van on the turntable at the Quorn loco depot, 1988. Lionel Noble pushing the turntable as was done when the depot was working.

Railcar trailer at Quorn loco depot, September 1988

Former overhead water tank at Quorn railway yard, 1988

Freight vehicles at Quorn loco depot, September 1988

Quorn railway guard barracks, later the general barracks for all crews, September 1988

Old farm house in the Quorn area, 1988

Quornucopia at Quorn, 12 July 2008

Criterion Hotel and Quornucopia at Quorn, 12 July 2008

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.