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Bruce Bridge washaway, January 1921

How the mail made it to Quorn following the Bruce bridge washaway, January 1921

Bruce Bridge washaway, January 1921

Washaway at Bruce, January 1921

Washaway at Bruce, January 1921

Bruce Bridge washaway, January 1921

Workers helping to repair the line following the washaway at Bruce, January 1921

T Class locomotive 206 on the Bruce bridge, 1966

T Class locomotive 186 special passenger movement at Bruce, 1977

Bruce Hotel, 1977

T Class locomotive 186 special passenger movement at Bruce, 1977

Bruce post office, 18 September 2007

Bruce railway line looking towards Quorn, 18 September 2007

Bruce bridge and railway station, 18 September 2007

Bruce railway bridge, 18 September 2007

Bruce railway bridge, 18 September 2007

Bruce railway bridge, 18 September 2007

Bruce railway station, 18 September 2007

Bruce hall, 18 September 2007

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.