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Black Rock bridge, 1964. Photo by M Billett

Y Class locomotive 97 and T Class 211 on Black Rock bridge, 13 October 1969. Paddy Harding and Eric Rann on Y 97, Colin Taylor and Brian Stigwood on T 211. Photo by M. Billett.

T186 and T199 on the Black Rock bridge May 1970. Australian Railway Historical Society trip. Photo by I Hammond.

T class passenger train on the Black Rock bridge, 1964. Photo by M Billett.

SA Railway Historical Society train trip from Peterborough to Quorn, 1974. Photographers lined up to photograph the train crossing the Black Rock bridge.

Poison train on Black Rock Bridge, August 1969

A view of Black Rock Peak from the Erskine area, c. 1965

Black Rock railway station and yard, 1979

SA Railway Historical Society train trip from Peterborough to Quorn, 1974. Black Rock station, retired SAR Guard Tom Giles watching.

Railways Historical Society trip at Black Rock, 11 October 1971

830 Class locomotive 858 pulling a Historical Society special from Peterborough to Eurelia, 1971. Taken near Black Rock.

Peterborough Steamtown railway museum trip, 1983. Crossing the bridge near Black Rock.

SA Farmers’ Union wheat stack at Black Rock, 1902. Possibly copied from ‘Fifty Years of Progress: A History of the South Australian Farmers’ Co-operative Union Limited.’

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.