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JA Leak general store at Gladstone, c. 1880

F Korber saddler at Gladstone c. 1880

George Weste’s tinsmith shop at Gladstone, c. 1880

George Weste’s tinsmith shop at Gladstone, c. 1880

Booyoolee Hotel at Gladstone prior to 1880. A second floor was added in 1880.

Vaccination notice for Ruby Fuller of Gladstone, 1887

Vaccination notice for Linda Fuller of Gladstone, 1887

Gladstone Loco Shed staff. Rear (L to R): Bert Wynes, Jack Rowe, Syd Hicks, Dick Box, Charlies Berry, Joe Crombie, Paddy Hannigan, Jimmy Harris. Middle: Bustler Brown, Mr Topperwein (Loco Foreman), Tom Norrish, Ray Sedunary. Front: Jack ?, __?.

Cattle sales at Gladstone, 1933. (Source unknown)

Building the Gladstone railway barracks, c. 1920s

Workers building barracks and station at Gladstone, c. 1920s

Gladstone railway station, c. 1930 (source unknown)

Gladstone railway station from the rear, c. 1930s

Gladstone railway station, c. 1930s

Gladstone railway station and yard, c. 1930s

Early Gladstone railway station, c. 1930 (source unknown)

T Class locomotive 213 accident in the Gladstone yard, c. 1940s

Aftermath of T Class locomotive 213 accident in the Gladstone yard, c. 1940s

T Class locomotive 213 accident in the Gladstone yard, c. 1940s

T Class locomotive 213 accident in the Gladstone yard, c. 1940s

T Class locomotive 213 accident in the Gladstone yard, c. 1940s

T Class locomotive 213 accident in the Gladstone yard, c. 1940s

T Class locomotive 213 accident in the Gladstone yard, c. 1940s

Gladstone railway yard, c. 1940s

Gladstone railway yard and loco depot, c. 1940s

Brill 100 at Gladstone loco depot, c. 1950s. This railcar worked on the Wilmington line.

Gladstone railway yard, c. 1950s

Gladstone railway loco depot turntable, c. 1950s

Engineman Arthur Creeper of Gladstone, c. 1950s

Gladstone railway work gang, c. 1950s

T Class locomotives at night in the Gladstone loco depot, c. 1950s

Derailment in the Gladstone yard, 26 May 1951

Gladstone railway yard, c. 1954. Note the narrow and broad gauge tracks.

Gladstone engineman Arthur Creeper, 1959

T Class locomotive 240 at Gladstone near the coal gantry, c. 1960s. Arno Ramp engineman.

400 Class locomotive 402 leaving Gladstone, c. 1960s

Gladstone loco depot, c. 1960s

T Class locomotive 244 at Gladstone near the coal gantry, c. 1960s.

250 Class Bluebird departing Gladstone for Adelaide, c. 1960s

Brill 104 on the dead end at Gladstone loco, 1960

Wilmington Brill 100 rail car in the Gladstone yard, c. 1960s

T Class locomotives 240 and 253 at night in the Gladstone loco depot, c. 1960s

Narrow gauge Brill 104 and standard gauge Bluebird 257 at Gladstone, c. 1960s

Railcars at Gladstone, c. 1960s. Left: Adelaide Bluebird; Centre: Wilmington railcar; Right: Peterborough railcar

Gladstone railway engineman Arno Ramp, 1960

Gladstone engineman Roy Abell and family, c. 1960s

Gladstone railway guard Butch Gurney, 1966

T Class locomotive 253 mixed 253 at Gladstone, 26 June 1967

Gladstone railway yard taken from the coal gantry, 1967

T Class locomotive on the Gladstone loco depot turntable, 1967

Engineman Jock Bain, T Class locomotive 253 on the Gladstone loco depot turntable, 1967.

500 Class locomotive at Gladstone loco depot, 1967

T Class locomotive 243 at Gladstone, 7 February 1967

Gladstone railway employees Bill Maloney and Mick Ryles, 1967

Broad gauge 500 Class locomotive 513 at Gladstone loco depot, 1967. Peterborough engineman and fireman Reg Keatch and Glen Symonds

Broad gauge 500 Class locomotive 513 at Gladstone loco depot, 1967. Peter Eiffe on ground, Reg Keatch in cabin, Glen Symonds at rear.

Merv Clayton, Gladstone engineman, 1967

Gladstone Stationmaster Tom Blucher, 1967

Peterborough engineman Jock Bain and fireman Arnold Ramp at Gladstone, 1967

Loco sub-foreman Harold Whittenbury and chargeman Jim Duffy at Gladstone, 1967

Gladstone railway employee Harold Whittenbury, 1967

SAR guard T Faulkner, Gladstone, 1967

SAR guard T Faulkner Gladstone, 1967

Standardisation ballast bin at Gladstone, 1968.

400 Class locomotive 402 at Gladstone, 6 December 1969

400 Class locomotive 402 on the turntable at the Gladstone loco depot, 6 December 1969. Fred Pisani fireman.

400 Class locomotive 402 taking on water at Gladstone, 6 December 1969. Fireman Chris Stauro on the tender.

Peterborough railway employees Frank Muller and Peter Brady (MIC driver) at Gladstone, August 1969.

830 Class 849 Gladstone, 1 December 1969

Gladstone loco depot, 6 December 1969. Narrow gauge 830 Class locomotives 862 and 856 on the main line entering the yard while the standard gauge 500 Class locomotive training train is waiting to enter. Gladstone rail camp adjacent to the barracks. 856 (second engine) was the first 830 class to work on the Peterborough Division.

H Thom’s drawing of a Terowie signal story as told by Claude Robinson of Gladstone

T Class locomotive 251 at Gladstone, c. 1970s

Gladstone grain silo and ballast bin, 1971

Old narrow gauge rolling stock stored at Gladstone awaiting scrapping, 1972. Trucks were sold to Sims Metal.

Gladstone railway yard, 1972

Gladstone railway yard, 1972

Gladstone railway yard, 1972. Coal gantry and station in the distance.

Gladstone coal gantry, 1972. Note the two gauges.

Gladstone railway yard taken from the coal gantry, 1972

Gladstone loco depot and turntable, taken from the coal gantry, 1972

Gladstone railway yard, 1972

Gladstone ballast bin in the Gladstone yard, 1972

The old Hick’s railway siding near Gladstone, 1972

The old Hick’s railway siding near Gladstone, 1972

Gladstone railway signalman Peter Moller, 1972

Peterborough railway guard and Gladstone Yard Master, Fred Matthews, 1972

Gladstone railway employees, 1972

Gladstone railway chargeman Gordon Frazer, 1972

Jack Snoad, SA Railways Gladstone Station Master, 1972

Gladstone Loco Sub Foreman Harold Whittenbury, 1973. He was the last Loco Foreman for Gladstone.

Harold Whittenbury (glasses) on the day of his retirement, with men from Gladstone loco depot, 1973

Harold Whittenbury (glasses) with men from the Gladstone loco, 1973

Harold Whittenbury, Loco Sub Foreman Gladstone, ringing the Gladstone loco bell for his last time, 1973

Gladstone loco depot staff on the occasion of Harold Whittenbury’s retirement, 1973. (L to R): Rodney Kotz (cleaner), Jeff Reynolds (carpenter), Andy Dalton (fitter’s assistant), Gordon Fraser (chargeman), Lionel Ryles (train examiner). Harold Whittenbury (seated).

Jim Duffy, railway chargeman at Gladstone, 1973

Jim Duffy, Gladstone chargeman in his office, 1973

Jim Duffy, railway chargeman at Gladstone, 1973

Gladstone shunter engineman Claude Robinson Gladstone, 1973

Gladstone shunter driver Claude Robinson with St John medals won in Australia wide railway ambulance competitions, 1973

Gladstone loco prior to the demolition of the coal gantry, 1974

Gladstone loco depot prior to the demolition of the coal gantry, 1974

Gladstone loco depot prior to the demolition of the coal gantry, 1974

Gladstone loco depot prior to the demolition of the coal gantry, 1974. Car 31 used by Department Officers. The old horse box was used as a narrow gauge accident train.

Narrow gauge vehicles in the Gladstone railway yard, 1974.

Gladstone loco depot turntable, 1974

Gladstone narrow gauge loco depot, October 1974. The room at the bottom of the tank was used for air brake lectures on Sunday mornings.

Gladstone ballast works for laying standard gauge line, 1974. Taken from the top of the ballast bin.

Gladstone ballast works for laying standard gauge line, 1974. Pat Brennan, Bill Giddings and Gary Kellaway.

Brian Wiliams, ganger in charge at Gladstone, 1974

Brian Wiliams, ganger in charge at Gladstone, 1974

Gladstone ballast workers for laying standard gauge line, 1974. L: Rodney Moore, Graham Witty, Ray Hemmerling, Charlie Guthridge, Ian Hocking.

Gladstone district foreman Albert Bonham and Phil Gordon, 1975

Railway shunter Lionel Ryles of Gladstone, 1975

Gladstone railway employees. L to R: Lionel Ryles, Les Jolly, Tony Wendland, Bob Lester, 1975

Gladstone Guard Jim Magna (in brake van) and Wilmington Station Master Steve Smith, 1975

Gladstone District Foreman Albert Bonham, 1975

250 up goods departing Gladstone, August 1975. Rear of loco shed at centre.

Leo Landers on 830 Class locomotive 865 in the Gladstone yard, August 1975

Gladstone railway yard, August 1975. Narrow gauge poison train on right. L to R: Jim Magna, Fred Matthews, Kevin Coulter (Station Master), Lionel Ryles.

Demolition of the Gladstone coal gantry, January 1975

Gladstone railway yard, August 1975. Caltex siding to the far right.

Gladstone loco depot and turntable, 1975

Rewatering and refuelling 520 Class locomotive at Gladstone, 1977. Leo Landers in the foreground.

Rewatering and refuelling 520 Class locomotive 520 at Gladstone, 1977

Railway employee ‘Wogga’ Nash at Gladstone, 1979

Old Gladstone narrow gauge loco depot, 1988. The old narrow gauge entrance to the yard has been removed.

Gladstone railway yard, 1988

Gladstone railway yard, 1988

Old Gladstone narrow gauge loco depot and turntable, 1988

400 Class locomotive 409 in the Gladstone yard, 1988

Disused SAR trucks at Gladstone, April 1992

Gladstone railway yard, April 1992

Former Gladstone railway barracks, 1992

Looking toward the Gladstone loco depot, April 1992

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.