Snow in Peterborough, 1918. L: Bill Smith, Bruce Christopherson, Ern Wells, J Virgin, __?, Perce Arbon, Cyril Chinner, Eric Rohde, Vic Rohde.

Snow at 32 Hurlstone Street Peterborough, 1960

Snow in the back yard of 30 Hurlstone Street Peterborough, 1960

Snow in the back yard of 30 Hurlstone Street Peterborough, 1960

Snow in the back yard of 30 Hurlstone Street Peterborough, 1960

Snow at Yongala in 1919

Snow in the Peterborough yard, works foreman section, east end, c. 1920s

Foundations for G Matthews house (foreground) as laid out by H Rhode c. 1900, one of the first settlers in Petersburg. Dusted with snow.

Snow in Hurlstone Street Peterborough

Snow in Peterborough, c. 1920s

Snow on a house and yard in Cotton Road Peterborough, c. 1920s

Snow in Railway Terrace Peterborough, c. 1920s

Playing in the snow along the railway track behind the property of Petersburg tinsmith Adolph Brauer in Main Street Petersburg, 20 July 1895. Photo by EW Marchant.

Meryn Noble and Jeff Noble making a snowman on the front lawn of 30 Hurlstone St Peterborough, 12 August 1960

Meryn Noble and Jeff Noble making a snowman on the front lawn of 30 Hurlstone St Peterborough, 12 August 1960

Meryn Noble and Jeff Noble making a snowman on the front lawn of 30 Hurlstone St Peterborough, 12 August 1960

Meryn Noble and Jeff Noble making a snowman on the front lawn of 30 Hurlstone St Peterborough, 12 August 1960

Snow in Railway Terrace near the railway station, c. 1920s

Jervois Street Peterborough during a snow storm, 29 August 1905

Sandy Walker in the snow in the Peterborough railway yard, 1960

Snow at Ucolta, c. 1920

Snow in the Peterborough railway yard, 1907

Snow at 34 Hurlstone Street Peterborough, 12 August 1960.

Snow in Hurlstone Street Peterborough looking South near the corner of Hill Street, c. 1950s

Snow in the Peterborough railway yard, c. 1950s

Snow in Hurlstone Street Peterborough, 12 August 1960

Snow in Petersburg 1907. Lady in white jacket was the proprietor of the Junction Hotel. The man on her right was AE Trudgeon.

Snow storm in the Peterborough railway yard, c. 1950s. Des Willis Collection.

Snow in Peterborough, 1951. Subway from Railway Terrace end looking towards Main Street. Lamp room to right.

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.