Peterborough SA centenary celebrations, 1936

Peterborough SA centenary celebrations, 1936. Railway float.

Peterborough South Australia centenary celebrations, 1936. Frank Threadgold with white beard; R Goudie in helmet; Hennig; Sowerby with pipe; Tom Keatley.

Floats in Main Street Peterborough in celebration of the South Australian centenary, 1936. Railway float in the centre.

South Australian centenary celebrations in Main Street Peterborough, 1936

Peterborough SA centenary celebrations, 1936

Matthews Emporium truck and employees in the pageant for the South Australian centenary, Peterborough 1936

Floats in Main Street Peterborough in celebration of the South Australia centenary, 1936.

Peterborough SA centenary celebrations, 1936

Peterborough South Australia centenary celebrations, 1936

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