The Koch farm on Railway Terrace Petersburg, c. 1890s. The family house is to the centre. Kochs were the first settlers in Petersburg and the area in front of the farm later became Railway Terrace. Koch family photo.

The Koch farm on Railway Terrace Petersburg, c. 1890s. The family house is to the centre. Kochs were the first settlers in Petersburg and the area in front of the farm later became Railway Terrace. Koch family photo.

The Koch family and farm in what later became Railway Terrace Petersburg, 1890s. The building in the distance between the two pine trees in the centre was built by original settler Johann Koch for his parents and is now situated at 14 Bourke Street.

Johann Koch Homestead, Railway Terrace Petersburg. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Both’s flour mill and ice works, Railway Terrace Peterborough, c. 1940s

Both ‘s Flour Mill, Railway Terrace, Petersburg. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Both’s Flour Mill in Railway Terrace Peterborough, c. 1920s. L: M Mutton, R Arscott, MR Both, __?, B Graue, PJ Victory.

Both’s Flour Mill, Railway Terrace Petersburg, c. 1900

Both’s Flour Mill, Railway Terrace Petersburg, c. 1900

Both’s Mill, Railway Terrace Petersburg, c. 1910s

Sale of Both’s flour mill, Railway Terrace Peterborough, c. 1920s. Chimney is remains of boiler house.

The ruins of Both’s Peterborough ice works after a fire in 1975. Corner of Railway Terrace and Silver Street.

Last remaining building of Both’s Flour Mill complex on Railway Terrace Peterborough, 1974

Both’s flour mill in Railway Terrace Peterborough, c 1950s. Note the railway line, known as Both’s Siding. Early plans named it as Malcolm’s Siding.

Interior of Witty’s butcher shop, corner of Lloyd Street and Railway Terrace Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Railway Terrace Peterborough, 1975. Former Godlee’s and Witty’s butcher shop in centre.

Former Joseph Witty butcher shop, corner of Railway Terrace and Lloyd Street Peterborough, 1975

Peterborough resident Jenny Fern on the veranda of her Railway Terrace house, c. 1900

Goudie’s cordial factory, Railway Terrace Petersburg. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Goudie soft drink crate at the remains of the factory on Railway Terrace, 1988

Photograph of Peterborough taken from the east end railway light tower, 1929. Railway Terrace in foreground.

Railway houses in Railway Terrace Peterborough, 1971. Far left is the standard gauge barracks, centre is the former superintendent’s house.

Railway superintendent’s house, Railway Terrace Peterborough, 1971

District Foreman’s office at the east end of the Peterborough yard fronting Railway Terrace, 1971. Previously they were early railway houses.

Old buildings at the end of Railway Terrace, Peterborough, 1988. Remains of Goudie’s Aerated Water Factory in the centre.

Homes at the east end of Railway Terrace Peterborough, 1974

Homes at the east end of Railway Terrace Peterborough, 1974

District Foreman’s office at the eastern end of the Peterborough railway yard on Railway Terrace, 1974

Old houses at the eastern end of Railway Terrace Peterborough, 1974

Old house at the eastern end of Railway Terrace Peterborough, 1974

Railway Terrace Peterborough looking west, 1975. Standard Gauge subway opening in centre.

Railway Terrace Peterborough, 1975. R Arscott house to left.

88 Railway Terrace Peterborough, 1975. Was Dr Clarke’s home as well as that of many other doctors.

House on the left hand side of Railway Terrace Peterborough east end, 1976. Note the wooden carved fascia boards, common in Peterborough in the 1880s.

Lil Goodwin’s shop corner of Hawthorne Street and Railway Terrace Peterborough, 1987

Railway Terrace Peterborough, 1976

Railway Terrace Peterborough, looking towards the Superintendent’s office, 20 December 1973

Railway Terrace Peterborough looking east, 1976. Standard gauge barracks to left, railway station centre.

Former Peterborough factory of RW Goudie Aerated Waters, Railway Terrace, 1978

Skillion house and regular house at 47 and 45 Railway Terrace Peterborough, 1991

Possibly the house at 43 Railway Terrace Peterborough, 1991

House opposite Callary Street in Railway Terrace Peterborough, 1991

House on the corner of Hurlstone Street and Railway Terrace, Peterborough, 1990

Peterborough loco depot 1991 with an abandoned look. Main standard gauge line looking west, Railway Terrace to the left.

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.