Australia Day Petersburg c. 1914. T51 was Arthur Welsby’s engine. Queen of the year was Mrs Lang. Taken near the Quorn crossing with coal stacks in the background (prior to the building of the coal gantry in 1920)

Railway Pageant in Main Street Peterborough, c. 1950s

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1958

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1958

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1958

Peterborough Railway Pageant Homing Club float, c. 1958. L to R: Maerschel Ley, Ivan Ley, Trevor Brittain, Steven Waterman, Wayne Brady, Jim Duncan, Jim Krause, Paul Fatur.

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1958

Peterborough Railway Pageant Homing Club float, c. 1958. L to R: Maerschel Ley, Ivan Ley, Trevor Brittain, Steven Waterman, Wayne Brady, Jim Duncan, Jim Krause, Paul Fatur.

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1958

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1958

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1960

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1960. Percy Crabb on the pennyfarthing bike.

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1960

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1960

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1960. Horst Lemke in his mini 1960s

Peterborough Railway Pageant, 1960

Peterborough Railway Carnival, c. 1960

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1960

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1960. Helen Wills centre.

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1960

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1960

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1960

Peterborough Railway Pageant, Barry Ranger, c. 1960

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1960

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1960

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1960

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1960

Peterborough Railway Pageant, c. 1960

Peterborough pageant, c. 1964. L: Pam Cave, Sadie Sandland (partially obscured), Margaret Kennedy, Pauline Hern, Connie Meaney.

Peterborough Railway Pageant, 1964

Peterborough Railway Carnival pageant, 1964

Peterborough Railway Pageant, 1964. Homing Club float. Trevor Ley in white shirt holding sign.

Peterborough Railway Pageant, 1964. Homing Club float. Ivan Ley in white shirt.

Peterborough Railway Pageant, 1964. Cubs and Guides. David Foote (front right), Lorraine Rasmus behind him, Pam sleep holding flag to Lorraine’s right.

Peterborough Railway Pageant, 1964

Father Christmas float in Peterborough Railway Pageant, 1964

Marching girls in Peterborough Railway Pageant, 1964. Tom Pink (leaning on car at left), Wendy Willcocks (second from rear in centre), manager Leonta Chambers to right.

Peterborough Homing Club float for the 1964 Railway pageant.

Peterborough Railway Pageant, 1964. Homing Club float. Trevor Ley in white shirt holding sign.

Peterborough Homing Club float for the 1965 railway pageant. Paul Fatur (in cart), Lionel Noble, Hank Franks, Howard Arbon (all standing), Trevor Brittain, Albert Franks, Jim Duncan (squatting).

Girl Guides and Boy Scouts in the 1965 Peterborough railway pageant

Peterborough railway pageant, 1965. Peterborough High School entrant Jill Davis.

Homing Club float for Peterborough railway pageant, 1966

Float for the Peterborough Railway pageant, 1966. Jim Plummer.

Peterborough Railway pageant Father Christmas float, 1967.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Derry Kos as Father Christmas.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Derry Kos as Father Christmas.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Derry Kos as Father Christmas.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. SA Railways float.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. L to R: Ruth Lillywhite, __?, Lorraine Jeffs, Denise Casanova, Marlene Rafferty, Judy Madigan.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Carmel Mesecke and Judy Casey.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Bill the Steam Shovel.

Peterborough railway pageant float, 1967.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Football club float. L: Leon Galvin, Peter Noble, Peter Raymond, Graham Giles (head), __?, Wayne Brady. Lady on the float is Diane Smith.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival horses in action, 1967. Dianne Evans, Anne Bradtke.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival on Memorial Oval, 1967.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Left seated: Janice Bradtberg, Betty Chesson sitting in front of her. Carmel Harper on throne, Dianne Shattock seated to her left, Helen Turner with head turned. Pauline Antuar with the short black hair centre front. Jimmy Girdler standing looking toward camera.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Possibly Steven Waterman to right.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Jenny Mesecke carnival queen.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Football and basketball queen Virginia Wilks.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Football and basketball queen Virginia Wilks.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Jenny Mesecke to left.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Jenny Mesecke to left.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Diane Lucas.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Diane Lucas.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Adults L: Betty Chesson, Helen Turner, Carmel Harper, Dianne Shattock.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. L: Betty Chesson, __?, Carmel Harper, Helen Turner, Dianne Shattock.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Carmel Harper.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Homing Club float. L to R: Lionel Noble, Hank Franks, Trevor Brittain, Paul Fatur (squatting).

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Bill the Steam Shovel float.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. Children’s ride.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. SA Railways float.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1967. L: Tony Cooper, Henry Gluza, Paul Fatur, Hank Franks, Trevor Brittain.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1968. Shell Depot float.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1968. SA Railways float.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1968. Pilot Vin Dowd.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1968. Peter Catford and Barry Bradtberg.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1968. L: Graham Higginson, Steve Waterman, Marg Davies.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1968. Flying Saucer.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1968. L: Peter Giles, Tom Donnellan, Willy Polomka.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1968. L: Graham Giles, Jack Harris, Graham Cave, Peter Flower, Gordon Arbon, Gary Kellaway.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1968. At rear L: Peter Flower, Gary Kellaway, Graham Cave, Graham Giles, Jack Harris, Gordon Arbon (with gun). Front L: Peter Giles, Tom Donnellan, Willy Polomka.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1968. Peter Giles, Tom Donnellan, Willy Polomka in vehicle.

Peterborough railway pageant and carnival, 1968. SA Railways float.

Peterborough Railway Pageant, 1970

Queen of the Peterborough railway carnival pageant 1971, Theresa McCann. Catherine Dowd to left of picture.

Queen of the Peterborough railway pageant Theresa McCann, 1971. Front (from left): Glenda Edmonds, Katherine Harris, Jenny Young, Sue Wilks. At rear (from left): __?, Dianne Mackiewicz, Regine Harper

Peterborough Homing club float for the Railway Pageant, 1971. Trevor Brittain holding the binoculars.

Railway pageant in Main Street Peterborough, 1971

Queen of the Peterborough railway carnival pageant, 1971. Front (from left): Regine Harper, Dianne Mackiewicz, ?, Daphne Angel. Queen: Theresa McCann. Page boy to left of queen: Catherine Dowd. Girl sitting in front of queen: Anne Marie Dowd, Sue Wilks behind her, Jenny Young, Katherine Harris.

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.