Miss Hilditch’s School of Music, Queen Street Petersburg (later Joe Nagel’s house, possibly the south-west corner of Queen and Ellen Streets), c. 1900s

Queen Street, 1971. Taken from the roof of 16 Hurlstone Street looking north east.

Corner of Queen Street and Hurlstone Street Peterborough, 1971. Taken from the roof of 16 Hurlstone Street looking north west.

Queen Street Peterborough, c. 1940s. High School to the left. Photo by L Rasmus.

Houses in Queen Street Peterborough opposite the High School, 1976

Residence at 25 Pine Street Peterborough, 1985. Western corner of Pine and Queen Streets.

House in Queen Street where Lionel Noble boarded on moving to Peterborough from Mile End in 1944. Photo taken May 1989.

Entering Peterborough from the Terowie road with local service group information, 1983

Eastern end of Queen Street Peterborough looking west, 1976. The road from which the photo is taken is runs into Peterborough from Terowie.

Entering Peterborough from the Terowie road with Queen Street in the distance, 1983

Construction of the Peterborough Roundhouse Motel in Queen Street, 1983

Construction of the Peterborough Roundhouse Motel in Queen Street, 1983

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.