T Class locomotive 181 at Outalpa siding, 1936. Peterborough enginemen Brumby Jordan and Dan Brennan on ground.

Peterborough resident Bill Casey and grandchild, c. 1930s

Peterborough resident Bill Casey and grandchild, c. 1930s

Peterborough milkman Bill Gibb’s milk cart, c. 1930s. Gibb’s family photograph.

The Chapman family at Dawson, October 1935. Eric Chapman, Jim Chapman, Wilbur Chapman, Della Chapman, Harriett Chapman, Syd Chapman, Samuel Chapman. Chapman family photo.

Jack Chapman, Ron Chapman, and Colin Webb, Della Chapman, Syd Chapman, Wilbur Chapman and Eric Chapman at the Dawson farm, 1931. Chapman family photo.

The Chapman family, farmers of Dawson, c. 1930s. (Rear L): Della, Jim, Carrie, George, May. (Front L): Wilbur, Dad, Syd, Mum, Eric (out of picture). Chapman family photo.

Thyer’s and Chapman’s children on the farm machinery at Cavenagh, 1930. Chapman family photo.

Reunion of former Peterborough residents at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens. Clip from the SA Chronicle Newspaper, 30 November 1933.

Gresham Matthews of Matthews Emporium Peterborough, c. 1930s. Clip from the SA Chronicle Newspaper.

Peterborough residents, c. 1930s. L: Doreen O’Neal, first cousin to Mrs T Walker, Jack and Mrs Walker, Mrs Mick Clune. Walker family photograph.

Peterborough Cycle Club 9 Mile Road race, 1938. George Miller 3rd from right with cap. Taken in Main Street Peterborough (location of later BP service station to right).

Barry Bowering in Koch’s milk cart in Peterborough, c. 1930s

Norman Bowering and son Barry Bowering, c. 1930s. Norm was the Peterborough undertaker and was the son of JW Bowering, one of the early business people of Petersburg.

Barry Bowering in Main Street Peterborough, c. 1930s. Note the old narrow gauge cattle wagon and the cross on top of the ‘old school’, the original Wesleyan Church.

Barry Bowering, grandson of JW Bowering, c. 1930s

Peterborough Pageant, 1930. E Cleary and two sisters, Mrs J Casey and son Tom, Mrs R Schuman (Bill Larkin left)

Parents of E Cleary, Dawson Road Peterborough, 1939

Patrick McKeough of Dawson, c. 1900. Born May 16 1863, died May 26 1938.

Peterborough Irish Dancers, 1934. L to R: Nell O’Loughlin, M O’Toole, Margaret Smith, Joan Snoad, Millie Coffey, Doll Clune, __?, Jackie Moloney, __?, Betty Snoad.

Staff of Pink’s butchers, Main Street Peterborough c. 1930. Bill Dickson, Ralph Philp, Merv Drew, Marty Clune, Clair Pink, Tom Faulkner, Arthur Pink.

Peterborough resident Mary Hall, 1934

Peterborough residents Mr & Mrs B Chadwick, c. 1930s

Group of Peterborough identities, c. 1930s. Front L: C Noblett, Tom Richards, Frank Reid, Sam Jones, George Ferguson, Ross Both, Mr Waughton, Tom Edmonds, Fred Edson. Middle L: D McKeough, Mr Northcott, Harry Graefe, Will Edmonds, W Harding, Mr Lang, Ray Edmonds, Fred Reid, Will Jamieson. Back L: Hubert Clapp, Herb Koch, Ern Fowler, Mr Harding (Yongala), Ted Chambers, Norm Bowering, Mr Sumner, Dave Ferguson.

Andrew Porter, Peterborough jeweller, c. 1930s

Peterborough Methodist Church Choir, c. 1935. Back: ER Johnston, M Robinson, H Dorman, MS Cox, Robinson. Middle: A Harris, P Lucas, J Moysey, Norish, Linke, Northeast, J Dickson, ER Johnstone, Reynolds, S Wade, L Wade. Front: W Sumner, J Dodman, H Anderson, A Robertson. Conductor: H Pomery.

Bert Newton’s Ford buckboard, c. 1930s. Bert used this vehicle to drive to Winnininnie where he was a SAR ganger. Mrs Newton and Mrs Les Rasmus and families in buckboard.

Sir Donald Bradman and Peterborough Mayor Sam Jones, 1934

Party Group at the rear of Casey’s Hotel Peterborough, c. 1930s. Included in the group are: Mr and Mrs T Casey, Naish Casey, Tom Casey, Mr and Mrs T Rees, Mr P Arbon, Mr F Waller, Mr SD Jones, Mr H Bennett.

Peterborough Railway Picnic Committee with winning athletes, 1938. Back: WJ Purdie, AJ Glenn, M Hennesay, G Kimber, NH Pelton, H Curruthers, SD Jones, Merv Thomas, Frank Reed. Front: Baldwin, T Cherry, Lloyd Jenkins, J Cherry, R Power, R Smith.

Peterborough Primary School visiting day, c. 1930s. Rear: AT Sutton, GH Koch, S Lewis, DC Harris, ND Keats, S Sumner. Front: RG Carter, GF Jenkins, LC Nock, Mrs SD Jones, Mayor SD Jones.

Peterborough resident Colin Drew on bicycle, c. 1930s

Percy Clapp of Ucolta with the Hutton’s Lagoon railway water tank behind, c. 1930s

Opening of Peterborough Cenotaph in Main Street, 1934. Sir Winston Duggan, E Fowler, J Bennett, Herb Koch with back to camera.

Peterborough engineman George Baird (right), c. 1930s

Peterborough railway gang, c. 1930s? Roy Drayson far right.

Peterborough shooting party, c. 1930s. Peterborough business owner Matt Cox to far right.

Peterborough Train Control Staff from 1926-1935. Assistant controllers (at rear from left): HB Wood, RW Killmier, MM Guthrie. Train controllers (front from left): EG Standish, JJ O’Brien, AD Garwood.

Peterborough Station Staff c 1933

The Peterborough family of Marshall Sambell, c. 1930s. (Rear L): Edna Sambell, Marshall Sambell, Edna Sambell, (Centre) Mum Sambell, (Front L): Ken Sambell, Don Sambell, Lloyd Sambell.

Peterborough farmer Hugo Linke with horse and hay rake in Hurlstone Street, c. 1930s

Mrs Margaret Mitchell, wife of Percy Mitchell outside their shop in Main Street Peterborough, c. 1930s

Kindergarten Teachers of Peterborough Methodist Church, 1932. Includes M Dodman, Jean Dodman, L Lehrman, Irene Fenwick, Gwen Meadows, Joan Cox, Gwen Shanks, Mary Harris.

Matthews Emporium truck and employees in the pageant for the South Australian centenary, Peterborough 1936

Participants in the Peterborough Queen Competition, run as part of the Back to Peterborough celebrations in April 1933

Peterborough TocH group at Bundaleer Springs, c. 1937. Back: Allan Hern (hands on hips), Lou Erkhe next to him. Middle squatting: George Brice, __?, Harry Fern with pot. Squatting and Sitting: lloyd Smith, Bert King, Colin Battersby, Frank Willcocks. Lying down: Max Choat.

Peterborough residents Victor Wills (L) and Frank Young participating in a Main Street ceremony, c. 1930s

Peterborough Mayor SD Jones and Mayoress, Sir Winston and Lady Duggan, c. 1930s

Peterborough residents, c. 1930 occasion unknown. Sitting L: __?, Noel Greenfield, __?, Charlie Morgan. 2nd row L: Ganger Smith, Merv Thomas, Harry Attwood, Bill Evans, Alec Glenn, Roy Tannebring. 3rd row L: Allan King, George Baird, Basil Kain, __?, __?, Harry Dixon, __?.

Peterborough Primary School Staff, 1936. Rear L: C Chant, F Waller, V Morris, L Baxter, J Chapman. Front L: M McGuire, D Smith, R Smith, G Ward, K Sharman

Cockburn shooters, c. 1930s. Peterborough resident Ben Graefe 2nd from left.

Peterborough RSL Bowls Team, c. 1930s. Back (L to R): Jack Cole, WS Brown, A Lucas, TL Boundy. Front: H Taylor, Bruce Slade.

Peterborough RSL Bowls Team, c. 1930s. Back (L to R): Jack Cole, WS Brown, A Lucas, TL Boundy. Front: H Taylor, Bruce Slade.

Ross Both Final

Peterborough RSL Bowls Team, c. 1930s. Back (L to R): Jack Cole, WS Brown, A Lucas, TL Boundy. Front: H Taylor, Bruce Slade.

Peterborough Primary School Back to School Celebrations, 1933. L: Marshall Sambell, Lois Webb (Mrs Harding of Yongala), Frank Edmonds, Isabelle Ramsey (Mrs Hedley Morgan), Harry Pomery

Mrs and Rev Andrew Gowans, Baptist minister of Peterborough, c. 1933

Peterborough residents Mrs Norm Bowering, Cecil Noble and Lily Noble, 1935. Cecil was the Baptist minister in the mid 1930s and was the father of Lionel Noble.

Peterborough resident Paddy Shinnick (centre) loading sandalwood at Yunta, 1930. Shinnick Family Photo.

Peterborough RSL Bowls Team, c. 1930s. Back (L to R): Jack Cole, WS Brown, A Lucas, TL Boundy. Front: H Taylor, Bruce Slade.

Possibly the Klaebe family of Peterborough, c. 1930s

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.