Mr WA Stewart, Petersburg butcher (born 1838, died 1912)

Perkin’s Machine Shop at Ucolta, c. 1910s. Robert Perkins second left, Molt Wehr to right.

The Richards brothers of Petersburg, c. 1910s. Rear: David Richards, Thomas Richards. Front: William Richards, Jim Richards, Jack Richards.

JW Bowering, carpenter and undertaker of Petersburg, c. 1910s

JW Bowering and daughter Selma, c. 1910s. JW Bowering was Petersburg’s undertaker and was mayor and a councillor.

Petersburg rifle shooters, 1915. Back (L to R): __?, JW Bowering, Ben Bowering, May Cox, FH Frith. Front: Rev Tuckwell, Colin Badger, Ken Cox, Ten Prisk.

Lil Huddleston and children in front of their home in Bismarck Street (later Kitchener) Petersburg, 1918

Petersburg resident and WWI soldier Ben Graefe, c. 1915

The Badger children of Petersburg, c. 1900s. Top to bottom: Colin Badger, Jan Badger, Jean Badger (Mrs Hugh Higgins), Magnus Badger, David Badger (killed in action in 1916; Badger Street named after him), Doris Badger (Mrs H Leicester), Ronald Badger. A daughter, Lena Badger, was born later.

Snow in Petersburg, 1918. L: Bill Smith, Bruce Christopherson, Ern Wells, J Virgin, __?, Perce Arbon, Cyril Chinner, Eric Rohde, Vic Rohde.

Petersburg flour miller Mr Both, father of M Ross Both, c. 1910s

Petersburg resident Elvira (Vera) Klaebe, 1919. Vera later married Petersburg photographer EW Marchant.

Ucolta residents Arthur Perkins, Frank Peters and Harold Rasmus at Ucolta, 1910. Arthur was killed in WWI.

Snigg’s Store corner Main Street and Meadows Street. Petersburg, c. 1910s. Paddy Snigg, Joe Snigg, Mrs Snigg.

Snigg’s Store corner Main Street and Meadows Street. Petersburg, c. 1910s. Paddy Snigg and Joe Snigg.

Petersburg railway employees in Cockburn, 1918. Len Breeding to the left.

Petersburg farmer Emma Fuller, c. 1910s. Fuller family photo.

JH Koch (right), first settler in Petersburg, c. 1910s. Mrs Erhke (centre, in black dress). Koch family photo.

Petersburg resident WH Woods Memorial Card, 1913

Group of Petersburg soldiers WWI, c. 1917

Petersburg farmer Bill Gibb and family in the Whitestone quarry to the north of Peterborough, c. 1910s. Gibb’s family photograph.

Archibald Gibb and Elizabeth Gibb, farmers of Petersburg, c. 1910s

Petersburg farmer Bill Gibb, c. 1910s. Gibb’s family photograph.

Men of the Petersburg Railway Superintendent’s Office (Murphy in middle), c. 1910s. Photo by WG Holden.

Petersburg engineman and keen bike rider George Miller, 1912

Simon Garrett, Petersburg builder, c. 1910s

Petersburg residents Jeanie Choat and Bill Choat, c. 1910s

Petersburg residents Jeanie Choat and Bill Choat, c. 1910s

Old Timer returns on a penny farthing in Main Street Petersburg, c. 1910s

Petersburg jeweller Andrew Porter with wife and daughter, c. 1910s

Petersburg shooting group at Mannanarie Hills, c. 1910s. Matt Cox on box; JW Bowering sitting with hand to face.

Petersburg shooting group at Mannanarie Hills, c. 1910s. L: E Cox, H Swain, FH Frith (behind), Matt Cox, H Luck, ? Luck, Rev. Delarue, Ern Bowering, Norm Bowering, HJ Badger, H Vawser, T Prisk, JW Bowering, Rev E Tuckwell.

Mrs Eliza Meadows, one of the early families in Petersburg, c. 1910s. Her husband was a boundary rider at Teetulpa. The house was located at 89 Bridges Street, on the corner with Torr Street, and is no longer standing.

Petersburg railway guard Bill Wehr who was killed in a railway accident just south of Yongala, 26 June 1911

Private Arthur Perkins of Ucolta, 50th Battalion AIF. Killed in action at the Battle of Messines, Belgium on 8 June 1917.

Private Arthur Perkins of Ucolta, 50th Battalion AIF. Killed in action at the Battle of Messines, Belgium on 8 June 1917.

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.