Edwin W Marchant, Petersburg photographer and studio owner, c. 1900s. Photo by EW Marchant.

Petersburg resident Frank Walker with toy locomotive, c. 1900

Staff of Sharman’s butcher shop, corner of Main and Chinner Streets Petersburg, c. 1900s

Staff of Sharman’s butcher shop, corner of Main and Chinner Streets Petersburg, c. 1900s

Mr Robert Perkins of Lancelot/Ucolta, the inventor of the bag lifter, c. 1900

Petersburg Hibernian Lodge, c. 1900s. Front L: __?, Paddy Callary, __?, __?, __?, Stephen Blunsden, __?, Jim Blunsden. 2nd L: Dominic Blunsden, Mick McKeough, William Blunsden, Bishop John Norton, Richard Phelan, __?, Tom Phelan. Back: George Duckford with white beard.neg1848

Petersburg railway guard Ben Head, c. 1900. Ben was the third man on John McDouall Stuart’s expedition to Northern Australia in 1860. Ben was a guard in Petersburg and is buried in the Peterborough cemetery.

Petersburg Town Council, 1908-9. Back L: Mr Usher, Sam Dickson, C. Edwards, JW Bowering, E Hoile. Front L: S Sumner, S Keally (Town Clerk), Mr Butterworth (mayor), Dr Birks, Mr Hilditch.

Petersburg residents, c. 1900. Front L: Mrs Crowley, Mrs Patterson, Rose Gurry, Mrs Gurry. Back L: Fran Malycha, Ted Gurry, Mrs Harford

Heinrich Rohde and William Heithersay, two of the early pioneers of Petersburg, 1909. Heithersay had a machinery business where the Federal Hotel now stands; he provided a shed for the first Petersburg Times (just over the railway line in Silver Street) and Rohde was the first settler on section 218 to the north of the railway line. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Early Petersburg settler and farmer HH Rohde, c. 1900

W Howard, Butcher of Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

W Howard, Butcher of Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Rabbit shooting group from Petersburg, c. 1900

Mrs Tilly McDonald, wife of John McDonald who was the first postmaster of Petersburg, c. 1900

J Deaken’s Cleaning shift, Petersburg Loco 1908.

Mrs Tilly McDonald, wife of John McDonald who was the first postmaster of Petersburg, c. 1900

Petersburg butcher Sam Sleep in his horse and trap, c. 1900s

Petersburg photographer Edwin Marchant, c. 1900


Petersburg resident Jenny Fern on the veranda of her Railway Terrace house, c. 1900


The Rogers family of Petersburg, c. 1900s

Members of the Coglin Council, c. 1900. L: Schultz, J Philp, P Connell, P McElister, G Ferguson, T Richards, P Ferguson, W Markey.

Petersburg resident John Blunsden’s memorial card from April 1902

Eva Perkins, eldest daughter of Robert Perkins of Ucolta, c. 1900

Mr Robert Perkins of Lancelot/Ucolta aged 81, the inventor of the bag lifter, c. 1900

Mr and Mrs Johann Koch, c. 1900s. First settlers on Section 216, Hundred of Yongala.

The Koch family on their farm, c. 1900

Petersburg resident Ellen Cheffers aged 78. Died April 25 1905.

Andy Lloyd’s blacksmith shop Kitchener Street Petersburg near the power house, c. 1900. Andrew Lloyd with horse.

The photo was taken adjacent to the original St Jospeh’s primary school building in Railway Terrace Petersburg, c. 1900s. Catholic fathers Morrisay, O’Byrne, Ryan, Bishop Norton, Bishop Hayden, F Mulcahy

Bishop Norton of the Petersburg St Anacletus Catholic church, c. 1900

Reverend WF Hopcraft, rector of the Petersburg St Peter’s Anglican Church, c. 1900s

Petersburg’s Miller family at Nackara Creek, c. 1900. Photo from Rae Miller.

Petersburg farmer, Arthur Fuller, c. 1900. Fuller family photo.

Petersburg resident Dorothy Cheffers (Mrs Spears), c. 1900

The Grocock family of Petersburg, c. 1900. Tom Grocock was an engineman.

Alec Jamieson, Petersburg baker and town councillor, c. 1900

Mrs Catherine Blunsden and Mrs Margaret Callary, c. 1900s. (Mrs Callary had the Delhi Cafe in Main Street Petersburg.)

Petersburg farmer Tom Walker posing with his wife and children outside their home (Jack Walker on the horse), c. 1900.

Arhns Wheelwright and Blacksmith Main Street Petersburg, c. 1900s. L: Rudolph, __?, Arthur, Gustov. Cart made by Ahrns (two brothers to the right).

Possibly members of the Marchant family of Petersburg, c. 1900. Photo by EW Marchant.

Members of the Petersburg Town Council, 1901. Standing L-R: FC Staer, S Kealley, A Jamieson, A Brauer, FH Luedeke. Sitting L-R: J Owens, Dr FJ Elliot (Mayor), TH Chinner. (SLSA B 29243)

James Owens local saddler and town councillor, 1901 [SLSA B 29243]

FH Luedeke local blacksmith and town councillor, 1901 [SLSA B 29243]

FC Staer

Dr FJ Elliot Mayor and town councillor, 1901 [SLSA B 29243]

Alec Jamieson, local baker and town councillor, 1901 [SLSA B 29243]

Adolph Brauer, tinsmith and town councillor, 1901 [SLSA B 29243]

TH Chinner, draper and Petersburg town councillor (Mayor 1899-19

Sam Kealley, Petersburg Town Clerk, 1901 [SLSA B 29243]

Andy Lloyd’s blacksmith shop in Bismarck Street (later Kitchener Street) Petersburg near the power house, c. 1900. Andrew Lloyd with horse.

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.