Wedding of Petersburg residents Dan and Margaret McKeough on their wedding day, 1893

The Blunsden family of Petersburg, 1898. Front L: Kate Blunsden (Mrs T Walker), William Blunsden, Mrs Blunsden snr, Mr Blunsden, Susan Blunsden (Mrs J Simon). Back L: Dominic Blunsden, Stephen Blunsden, Mary Blunsden (Mrs A Chambers), John Blunsden, Jim Blunsden.

The Walker – Blunsden Wedding at Petersburg, 1898. Front L: Mrs A Chambers, Miss Flannery, Hilda Clark. Rear L: D Blunsden, S Blunsden, Rev J Norton, J Blunsden, J Heron, W Blunsden, __?, J Simon. Middle L: Mrs Callary, daughter Gertie, Mrs J Kennedy, Mr J Blunsden snr, Groom T Walker, Bride Kate Blunsden, Mrs Blunsden snr, Mrs J Simon, daughter Veronica, Mrs V Carey, __?.


Petersburg tinsmith Adolph Brauer, c. 1890s

The Malycha family of Petersburg, c. 1890. Francesca Malycha, Mary Malycha, Felix Malycha, Peter Malycha.


Playing in the snow along the railway track behind the property of Petersburg tinsmith Adolph Brauer in Main Street Petersburg, 20 July 1895. Photo by EW Marchant.

Tom Richards’ fruit shop Main Street Petersburg, c. 1890s. Tom and his wife standing in front of the shop.

The Walloway accident of 1894. L to R: Albert Spencer, Norm Litchfield, Billy Wells (fireman)

The Cheffers family of Petersburg, c. 1890s

Father of Arthur Charles Fuller of Petersburg, c. 1890s. Fuller family photo.

Wedding of the parents of Dick Klaebe of Peterborough, c. 1890s

Wife of Petersburg jeweller Andrew Porter, c. 1890s

Children of HY Porter, Jeweller of Petersburg, c. 1890s

School Teacher Miss Elliott of Lancelot in Edith Street Peterborough, c. 1890s

The Jenkins family of Lancelot, c. 1890s

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.