YMCA foundation stone, Main Street Peterborough, 1976

YMCA building under construction in Main Street Peterborough, 1927 (Dwyer family photograph)

Painting the YMCA building 1927, Main Street Peterborough. Painter was Mr Dwyer. (Dwyer family photograph)

Lloyd Dwyer’s father, painter/builder of Peterborough YMCA, 1927 (Dwyer family photograph)

Painting the YMCA building 1927, Main Street Peterborough. Painter was Mr Dwyer. Note the new town hall is under construction at rear. (Dwyer family photograph)

Three residents of the Peterborough YMCA in Main Street, c. 1940s

Main Street Peterborough, YMCA, Town Hall and old Town Hall, c. 1940s

Main Street Peterborough, c. 1950s. YMCA and Town Hall to the right.

YMCA and Town Hall in Main Street Peterborough , c. 1950s

Main Street Peterborough c. 1950s. Gymnasium, YMCA, Town Hall, Institute

Peterborough Main Street looking west towards the YMCA and Town Hall, taken from the Junction Hotel balcony, 1973

Peterborough township taken from the floodlight at the east end of the railway yard, 1975. Car park in the foreground is now the location of the railway carriage museum, gymnasium, YMCA, town hall, all on Main Street.

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.