Foundation stone for the original Petersburg Town Hall, 1894.

Main Street procession for the opening of the Petersburg Town Hall, 22 November 1894

Main Street procession for the opening of the Petersburg Town Hall, 22 November 1894

Crowd gathered for the opening of the original Petersburg Town Hall, 22 November 1894

Australia Day School children’s procession in Main Street Petersburg with the old Town Hall in the background. This was prior to the building of the new town hall. Clip from the SA Chronicle Newspaper, 7 August 1915.

Attendees at the Chapman Alexander evangelistic mission held in the Petersburg Town Hall on Friday 7 June 1912.

Early photo of the original Petersburg Town Hall in Main Street, c. 1900s

Original Petersburg Institute and Town Hall in Main Street Petersburg, 1911. This was prior to the building of the new Town Hall.

Celebration out the front of the old town hall in Main Street Peterborough, c. 1900s. Purpose unknown.

Original Petersburg Town Hall in Main Street, c. 1910s. Post Office is to the right.

Peterborough 1894 Institute and original Town Hall, 1974

Old Town Hall in Main Street Peterborough, 1997

Architect’s plaque on the new Town Hall in Main Street Peterborough, 1976

Original Petersburg settler Johann Koch laying the foundation stone for the new Town Hall in Main Street Peterborough, 23 March 1927

Crowd gathered for the foundation stone laying ceremony of the new Peterborough Town Hall in Main Street, 23 March 1927

Crowd gathered for the foundation stone laying ceremony of the new Peterborough Town Hall in Main Street, 23 March 1927

Crowd gathered for the foundation stone laying ceremony of the new Peterborough Town Hall in Main Street, 23 March 1927

Charity ball held in the Peterborough Town Hall, April 1933 as part of the Back to Peterborough celebrations. A Queen competition was also part of the celebrations which ran over two weeks.

Charity ball held in the Peterborough Town Hall, April 1933 as part of the Back to Peterborough celebrations. A Queen competition was also part of the celebrations which ran over two weeks.

A gathering in the Peterborough Town Hall, April 1933 as part of the Back to Peterborough celebrations. A Queen competition was also part of the celebrations which ran over two weeks.

Main Street Peterborough, c. 1930s. YMCA, Town Hall and old Town Hall.

The new Town Hall in Main Street Peterborough, c. 1940s

Woodlands’ Dairy horse and cart in Main Street Peterborough with the new and old town halls as the backdrop, c. 1950s

Main Street Peterborough, c. 1950s. YMCA and Town Hall.

YMCA and Town Hall, Main Street Peterborough , c. 1950s

Exhibition in the Peterborough Town Hall, c. 1960s

Stage of the Peterborough Town Hall for the town centenary celebrations in October 1976. Mural painted by Peterborough resident Paul Fatur.

The old (right) and the new town halls in Main Street Peterborough, 1983

Peterborough township taken from the floodlight at the east end of the railway yard, 1975. Car park in the foreground is now the location of the railway carriage museum, gymnasium, YMCA, town hall, all on Main Street.

Interior of the Peterborough Town Hall, 2016

Stage area of the Peterborough Town Hall, 2016

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.