Early postcard of the Petersburg good’s shed, c. 1910s. Subway is in the foreground. Postcard was published by C Betteridge of Petersburg.

Peterborough subway decorated in celebration of the end of World War I. 19 July 1919. Photo by EW Marchant.

Peterborough railway station subway, c. 1930s

Peterborough railway subway looking towards Main Street from the Railway Terrace end, 1950

Railway Terrace Peterborough looking west, 1975. Standard Gauge subway opening in centre.

Extending the Peterborough station subway in preparation for standard gauge and the new station, January 1968

Extending the Peterborough station subway in preparation for standard gauge and the new station, January 1968

Extending the Peterborough station subway in preparation for standard gauge and the new station, January 1968

Extending the Peterborough station subway in preparation for standard gauge and the new station, January 1968

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.