FC Staer, original owner of the Federal Hotel (built 1899) and town councillor, 1901 [SLSA B 29243]

Flooding in Main Street Petersburg at the front of the Federal Hotel, c. 1910

Flooding at the front of the Federal Hotel, Main Street Petersburg, c. 1910

Flooding in Petersburg in front of the Federal Hotel on the corner of Main Street and Silver Street, c. 1910s

Federal Hotel in Petersburg Main street looking east, c. 1930s. Two storey building in the background is the shop and workshop of JW Bowering which was later destroyed by fire.

Federal Hotel, Main Street Petersburg, c. 1910

Main Street Peterborough looking east from the balcony of the Junction Hotel, 1973. High Street and Toop Motors to the left, Federal Hotel in the centre and the railway house to the right.

Rear of the Federal Hotel in Main Street Peterborough and the east end railway crossing, 1983

Federal Hotel, Main Street Peterborough, 1988

Rear wall of the Federal Hotel, Main Street Peterborough 1974. Silver Street crossing in the foreground. Buildings would have included store rooms and stables.

Federal Hotel foundation stone, laid by Petersburg Mayor E Palmer.

Junction Hotel, Main Street Petersburg, c. 1910

Peterborough Junction Hotel corner in flood, c. 1940s

Photograph of Peterborough taken from the east end railway light tower, 1929. Main Street and Junction Hotel in foreground.

Junction Hotel, Main Street Peterborough, c. 1960s

Peterborough township taken from the floodlight at the east end of the railway yard, 1975. Junction Hotel.

Junction Hotel in Main Street Peterborough, 1987

Rear of the Junction Hotel in Main Street Peterborough, 1983

Junction Hotel in Main Street Peterborough, 1983

Junction Hotel in Main Street Peterborough, 1983

High Street Peterborough looking at the rear of the Junction Hotel which faces Main Street, c. 1980s

Original Petersburg Hotel, 1882, prior to the second floor being added.

Peter Shearer’s horse team at the front of Petersburg Hotel in Main Street, 1908. This was taken prior to the extension of the right wing.

Petersburg Main Street, c. 1900s. Petersburg Hotel in the centre.

Main Street Peterborough with the Peterborough Hotel to the right, c. 1920

Petersburg Hotel, Main Street Petersburg, c. 1910. This was taken prior to the extension of the right wing.

Petersburg Hotel, 1886. This was taken prior to the extension of the right wing.

Flooding out the front of the Peterborough Hotel in Main Street, 1919

Petersburg Hotel in Main Street Petersburg, c. 1900s

Casey family (and others) out the front of the Peterborough Hotel, 1929. Naish Casey (right), Mrs Tom Rees (second right).


Peterborough Hotel, Main street Peterborough, 1929. Casey family at front.

Peterborough Hotel, c. 1940s

Peterborough Hotel, Main Street Peterborough c. 1930s

Aerial photo of Peterborough with the Peterborough Hotel in the centre, c. 1930s

Servwell Grocery, Jack O’Toole butcher and Peterborough Hotel, Main Street Peterborough, 1975

Main Street Peterborough, 1983. Garden centre, O’Toole’s butcher, hairdresser and Peterborough Hotel.

Peterborough Hotel, Main Street Peterborough, 1982

Peterborough Hotel, 1987

Railway Hotel, Main Street Petersburg, c. 1900s

Railway Hotel in Main Street Peterborough, c. 1900s

Railway Hotel, Main Street Petersburg, c. 1910

Flooding in Main Street Peterborough out the front of the Railway Hotel, 1919

Railway Hotel in Main Street Peterborough, c. 1920s

Railway Hotel, Main Street Peterborough, c. 1920s

Main Street Peterborough, 1929. Peterborough Hotel to right, Railway Hotel centre.

Railway Hotel Main Street Peterborough, 1974

Railway Hotel in Main Street Peterborough, 1977

Rear of Peterborough Railway Hotel in Main Street, 1978

Railway Hotel, Main Street Peterborough, 1987

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.