Sleep’s corner in Main Street Peterborough, 1983

Main Street Peterborough, 1983. Savings Bank of SA, Goudie’s Gifts and Newsagency.

Main Street Peterborough, c. 1980s

Main Street Peterborough, 1982. Andrew Porter jeweller to left, Delhi Cafe, 4 Square grocery, John Wills Electrical.

East end of Main Street Peterborough looking east, 1987. Scout Hall to the right.

Shops opposite Hoile Park and adjacent to Junction Hotel, Main Street Peterborough, 1987

Main Street Peterborough, 1983. Paramount Dry Cleaners, St John Centre and Raymond’s Shoe store. Shop to the far left was formerly Nourses’ Garage.

Main Street Peterborough, 1989. Dry Cleaners and Shoe The building was formerly Nourse’s garage, as can be seen by the driveway in the footpath.

Main Street Peterborough, 1982. Apex Thrift shop and Junction Hotel to right.

Wirrina Garden Centre (formerly Von Bertouch’s Servwell grocery) and Jack O’Toole Butcher, Main Street Peterborough, 1982. Peterborough Hotel to right.

Main Street Peterborough, 1983. Porter’s Jeweller, Delhi Cafe and Tom Supermarket.

Main Street Peterborough, 1983. Wills Electrical.

Gregg’s General Store, Main Street Peterborough, 1982. Capitol Theatre to the right.

Former shops at the east end of Main Street Peterborough, 1982

Jamieson’s, Porters and Shackleford’s shops, eastern end of Main Street Peterborough, 1987

Temporary office buildings in Main Street Peterborough, 1982. Formerly the site of the Coffee Palace.

Leisure Time and Video shop in Main Street Peterborough, 1987. Formerly Sleep’s Butcher.

Takeaway shop at the west end of Main Street Peterborough, 1982

Joe Dennis’ Store Main Street Peterborough, 1985.

Main Street Peterborough, 1983. Flavel’s Hardware and Peterborough Florist.

Shops opposite Hoile Park and adjacent to Junction Hotel, Main Street Peterborough, 1987

Flavel’s Mitre 10 in Main Street Peterborough opposite Hoile’s Park, 1987. This was the former site of Baird’s Cash and Carry.

Shops opposite the Federal Hotel corner, Main Street Peterborough, 1987.

Main Street Peterborough, 1983. Cock general store, Chapman’s butcher and Mid North Upholstery.

Main Street Peterborough, 1987. Jubilee Buildings, TAB, Helen’s Place Hairdressing and Sleep’s Butcher.

Main Street Peterborough 1985. ANZ bank to left (formerly E.S.&A. Bank); boutique was formerly Steinke’s Baker Shop.

Cravens store in Main Street Peterborough, 1983

Peterborough Newsagency, Main Street Peterborough, 1985. Formerly Cravens.

Debzki’s Boutique and Peterborough Newsagency in Main Street Peterborough, 1987. Debzki’s was originally Steinke’s Bakery.

Cock’s General store, Main Street Peterborough, 1982. Formerly owned by George Jenkins.

G Cock General Store, Main Street Peterborough, 1988

Rucioch Liquor and fruit store in Main Street Peterborough, 1987. This was the site of Threadgold’s original shop and post office, established before the railway line to Cockburn was built. It is opposite the old railway house in Main Street.

Hoile’s Park Main Street Peterborough. The park was named after the Hoile family who were Chemists in Peterborough from 1894. Photo taken 1987.

The rear of the railway house opposite Rucioch’s on Main Street Peterborough, c. 1980s. This was the original engineer’s house when railways commenced in Peterborough. The building on the left was the engineer’s office.

Smart’s Garage at the western end of Main Street Peterborough, 1987. Formerly Jack Smith’s garage. Polomoka’s Contractors and takeaway shop to the left.

Flavel’s Garage in Main Street Peterborough, 1983. Formerly Jack Smith garage.

Flavel’s Garage at western end of Main Street Peterborough, 1982. Formerly Jack Smith’s garage.

Jim Davis Ford Paint Shop and Crash Repairs, Main Street Peterborough 1987

Jim Davis Ford showroom in Main Street Peterborough, 1987. The house fronting Main Street was previously Stewart’s Butcher.

Museum carriage in Hoile’s Park, Main Street Peterborough, 1987

Jervois Street Peterborough from Main Street, 1987. Cave’s Furniture to the left (formerly Betteridge and Heither Auction Mart) and Savings Bank to the right (formerly Jack Smith Cycle shop and Meredith’s Fruit Shop).

East end of Main Street Peterborough, 1982

40 Main Street Peterborough, opposite the town oval, 1988

Peterborough Datsun in Main Street Peterborough on the corner of High Street, 1982. Formerly Toop Motors, Jim Love Motors, and Johnny Omar’s shop.

Peterborough Nissan Dealers, Elders Stock Agent, Rucioch bottle shop, Main Street Peterborough, 1988

Peterborough Aged Care Homes in Main Street Peterborough, 1987.

Northline Motors in Main Street Peterborough, 1983. Formerly Toop Motors holden dealership.

Former location of Toop Motors Holden dealership at the east end of Main Street Peterborough, 1987

Formerly Doctor Elliot’s house at the east end of Main Street Peterborough, 1983

BP Service Station and Federal Hotel in Main Street Peterborough, 1987. The BP was originally Luedeke Machine Works.

73 Main Street Peterborough taken from the veranda of former house of Dr Elliott, c. 1980s. Scout Hall, Fire Station, BP Service Station and Federal Hotel to left.

Former house of tinsmith Adolph Brauer in Main Street Peterborough, 1983

Slate flagstones at the front of the former house of tinsmith Adolph Brauer in Main Street Peterborough, 1983

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.