BP service station and fire station in Main Street Peterborough looking east, 1978

Eastern end of Main Street Peterborough looking west, 1976. Scout Hall in centre, former site of JW Bowering shop, carpentry and undertaking business.

Main Street Peterborough, 1977. Dea Jay Boutique, National Bank, Coorey’s Pharmacy and Railway Hotel.

Main Street Peterborough looking west, c. 1970s

Main Street Peterborough looking west from near the Memorial Oval entrance, 1975

Main Street Peterborough, 1974. Sleep’s Butcher Shop corner.

Main Street Peterborough, 1974. Pike’s Butcher and Jubilee buildings to the right and town hall to the left.

Looking west (on the northern side) along Main Street Peterborough from the corner of Jervois Street, 1974

Main Street Peterborough near the Junction Hotel, 1972. Homestead Hardware, Raymond’s Shoe Store, St John Ambulance Centre, Jubilee Building. YMCA and Town Hall to the left.

Cravens Drapery in Main Street Peterborough, 1972

Main Street Peterborough looking east from the balcony of the Junction Hotel, 1973. High Street and Toop Motors to the left, Federal Hotel in the centre and the railway house to the right.

Main Street Peterborough taken from the Town Hall veranda looking east, 1974

Main Street Peterborough, 1974. Shops from the far left are Peterborough Hotel, ANZ Bank, Cravens, Matthews Emporium, Porter’s Jeweller, Raftery’s Shoes, Delhi Cafe and 4 Square Grocery. The Delhi Cafe and 4 Square are now part of the Foodland supermarket.

Main Street Peterborough, 1974

Ruins of Muldoon’s Bakery on the corner of Main and Chinner Streets Peterborough, 1975. The house to the left was first built as the Presbyterian Church.

Main Street Peterborough, 1978. Sleep’s Butcher Shop corner (Chinner Street).

Former site of Coffee Palace, Main Street Peterborough, 1978

Construction of Medical Clinic in Main Street Peterborough, 1976. Formerly Chinner’s and Craven’s shops.

BP Service station and Fire Station in Main Street Peterborough, 1978

John Wills of John Wills Electrical Main Street Peterborough, 1975

Former Stewart’s butcher shop adjacent to Jim Davis Ford, Main Street Peterborough, 1976. Photo taken from William Street.

Steve’s Takeaway, west end of Main Street Peterborough, 1975

Main Street Peterborough, 1977. Wirrinia Garden Centre, Jack O’Toole butcher, Harry’s Hairdresser and Peterborough Hotel to right.

Western end of Main Street Peterborough, 1976. Tucker Box Cafe, Capitol Theatre to right.

Jubilee Buildings Main Street Peterborough 1975 (opposite new town hall)

Peterborough Main Street, 1976. Luck’s Newsagency and Jubilee Building.

Peterborough Florist, Need’s Electrical and Bill Noonan’s Hairdresser in Main street Peterborough, 1978. Noonan’s shop was formerly the surgery of dentist Lewis Bills.

Bill Noonan’s Hairdresser and White’s Antiques Main Street Peterborough 1978. Junction Hotel is to the right.

Former shop and house in Main Street Peterborough, 1978

Jehovah Witness’s Hall and former shops in Main Street Peterborough, 1978

Eastern end of Main street Peterborough, 1977

Bennett and Fisher Stock Agents, Main Street Peterborough, 1975

Flavel’s Hardware and Rural Supply depot, Main Street Peterborough, 1975

Capitol Theatre in Main Street Peterborough, 1975

HJ Dennis store in Main Street Peterborough adjacent to the Capitol Theatre, 1975

Porter’s Jeweller at 177 Main Street Peterborough, 1972

Hoile’s Chemist at 163-165 Main Street Peterborough, 1972.

Rucioch grocery and wine shop, Main street Peterborough, 1977. Opposite the Federal Hotel.

Cock’s general store in Main Street Peterborough, 1977

George Jenkins’ Genral Store, Main Street Peterborough, 1974

Jenkins Shop Main Street Peterborough 1974. The reverse L shaped stone behind the gate was used by early owner Tilly McDonald to mount her horse sidesaddle. Tilly was the wife of the first Postmaster of Peterborough.

Peterborough Rotary park rest area, Main Street near the Hurlstone Street crossing, 1976

Corner of Main Street and Hurlstone Street Peterborough, taken from the Rotary Park, 1976

Rotary Park rest area, Main Street Peterborough, 1976

Greg Toop car yard next to the railway house in Main Street Peterborough, 1976

Railway house at 98 Main Street Peterborough, 1974

Railway house at 98 Main Street Peterborough, 1974

Rear of Alf Smith’s garage, Main Street Peterborough, 1976. Later Fred Nourse’s garage.

Main Street Peterborough, 1976. Rucioch liquor store, Elder Smith, Indian Pacific Motors and Junction Hotel.

Jack Smith Motors Main Street Peterborough, 1978. Cycle shop to right.

Main street Peterborough, 1977. Elder Smith office, Indian Pacific Motors and Junction Hotel in the centre.

Lawrence Cycles and BP service station, Main Street Peterborough, 1975. Formerly Jack Smith garage.

Peterborough Fire Station, Main Street Peterborough, 1976

Slate flagstones out the front of what was Brauer’s shop in Main Street Peterborough, 1978

Jim Davis Ford car yard south side of Main Street Peterborough, 1978. Formerly Brauer’s shop.

Jim Davis Ford car yard south side of Main Street Peterborough 1978. Formerly Brauer’s shop.

Tinsmith Adolph Brauer’s house in Main Street Peterborough, 1976. His shop was in the vacant lot to the right.

Jim Davis’ car yard in Main street Peterborough, 1977. Former house and workshop area of Petersburg tinsmith Adolph Brauer.

Peterborough Railway Barracks, Main Street near Quorn crossing. Demolished 1973.

Peterborough powerhouse cherry picker in Main Street, 1976

Early letter box in Main Street Peterborough, 1977

Remains of the Peterborough tannery, Main Street near the Quorn crossing, 1974. These no longer exist.

Peterborough Kindergarten in Main Street, 1975

Peterborough Kindergarten in Main Street, 1975

Peterborough SA Railways Institute as viewed from Main Street, 1971

Main Street Peterborough looking west, c. 1970s. Hill View Villa is first on the left.

Hill View Villa at 50 Main Street Peterborough, 1974

Harry Viney’s house at Peterborough (Harry was killed at Paratoo in the derailment of Garrett 408), 1977. The house was referred to as the ‘Doll’s House’, and was behind Hill View Villa in Main Street Peterborough.

Nalya Lodge aged care homes in Main Street Peterborough, 1977

Aged care homes on the corner of Main Street and Chinner Street Peterborough, 1975. Former site of Muldoon’s Bakery.

Peterborough Aged Care Homes in Main Street Peterborough, 1975. This photo was taken from Chinner Street.

Plaque commemorating the opening of the Peterborough Aged Care Homes in Main Street Peterborough, 1975.

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.