Group of children playing in Main Street Petersburg, c. 1910s

Main Street Petersburg looking west from the corner of Jervois Street, c. 1910. Going from the right, CT Edwards, Federal Boot Company, Hoile’s Chemist and Petersburg Hotel in the distance.

Snigg’s Store corner Main and Meadows Streets Petersburg, c. 1910s

Snigg’s store in Main Street Petersburg, c. 1910s. This was later the Co-op Store.

WH Smith Cycle Shop corner of Main and Jervois Streets Peterborough, c. 1910s. Now BankSA.

Robert Heithersay’s Petersburg Auction Mart on the corner of Main Street and Jervois Street, c. 1910s

Johnny Omar’s travelling sales, c. 1910s. Johnny was well known in the northern area as he drove around hawking his goods. His base was in Main Street Peterburg opposite the Junction Hotel.

Old Timer returns on a penny farthing in Main Street Peterborough, c. 1910s

Original premises of JW Bowering, the first shop in Main Street Petersburg, c. 1910s. Photo by AR Edwards.

Interior of Cox Bros shop Main Street Peterborough (later doctor’s surgery then John Wills Electrical), c. 1910s

Interior of Cox Bros Shop Main Street Petersburg, c. 1910s

Sleep’s Butcher shop, Main Street Petersburg, c. 1910

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.