Corner of Silver and Main Streets Peterborough, c. 1900s. Federal Hotel to the right.

Petersburg Main Street, c. 1900s. Petersburg Hotel in the centre.

Main Street Petersburg looking east (not west as stated), c. 1900s. Taken from the corner of Main Street and Railway Street.

Luedeke’s blacksmith shop Main Street Petersburg, c. 1900s. This was located on the site of the current BP service station.

Mrs Thompson’s Coffee Palace and Railway Boarding House in Main Street Peterborough, c. 1900s

Betteridge’s Store, corner of Jervois and Main Street Peterborough, c. 1900s. Charlie Betteridge was the conductor of the town band and the band would perform for civil occasions from the balcony above the shop door. The building to the right down Jervois Street was Heithersay’s Auction Mart.

Corner of Main Street and Jervois Street Petersburg, c. 1900. Ironmonger on the corner (later Savings Bank) and Letcher Chemist next right (later Luck’s Newsagency).

H Wells Tobacconist Main Street Petersburg, c. 1900s. Tom Clancy and E Wells.

Andrew Porter and wife standing at the front of their jewellery store, Main Street Peterborough, c. 1900s

EB Potter’s painting and decorating store on the east end of Main Street Petersburg, c. 1900s

Chennell & Co. Drapery, Main Street Petersburg, c. 1900s

E Hoile Chemist in Main Street Petersburg, c. 1900. The laneway to the left was eventually built over to expand Hoile’s and the set back section was Hoile’s residence. It was later Toop’s Electrical.

Arhns Wheelwright and Blacksmith Main Street Petersburg, c. 1900s. L: Rudolph, __?, Arthur, Gustov. Cart made by Ahrns (two brothers to the right).

Retallack’s bullock team in Main Street Petersburg, 1900

Retallack’s bullock team in Main Street Petersburg, 1900

Interior view of the Petersburg Butter Factory, run by SW Dickson at the east end of Main Street Petersburg, c. 1900s

Interior of TH Chinner’s drapery, Main Street Petersburg, c. 1900s

Interior view of JW Bowering’s shop on Main Street Petersburg, c. 1900s

Aftermath of fire at Greengrocer’s shop Main Street Peterborough east end, c. 1900s

Aftermath of a fire in the Federal Boot Store adjacent to G Phillips, tailor, Main Street Petersburg, 1912.

Aftermath of a fire in the Federal Boot Store adjacent to G Phillips, tailor, Main Street Petersburg, 1912. The tailor shop was originally Hoile’s residence.

Interior views of the Cox Brothers drapery and grocery store in Main Street Petersburg, c. 1900s

Horner & Gooch grocers, next to Sleep’s Butcher Shop, Main Street Petersburg, c. 1900s

Staff of Sharman’s butcher shop, corner of Main and Chinner Streets Peterborough, c. 1900s. Roy Huddleston, Cecil Woods, Bill Sharman (owner), ? Sharman

Staff of Sharman’s butcher shop, corner of Main and Chinner Streets Peterborough, c. 1900s. L: Jack ‘Bunny’ Hannagan, Jack McMahon, Roy Huddleston, Bill Dixon, Stan Snoad, Cecil Woods, Bill Sharman, G. Sharman, Max Preece, __? Russell.

Sleep’s butcher, Main Street Petersburg, c. 1900s

Sleep’s Butcher Shop corner Chinner and Main Streets Petersburg, c. 1900

Shopfront of Main Street Petersburg tailors, Mellowship and Barclay, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Interior of Charlie Edwards’ grocery in Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Interior of Dobbie & Co drapery in Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

James Wilson Farm Produce Main Street Petersburg, 1909. This was situated adjacent to the Federal Hotel.

George Phillips tailor’s shop in Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

E Hoile Chemist in Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Interior of SW Dickson’s grocery store, Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Cox Brothers, Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

H. Cavanett Hairdresser, Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Charlie Betteridge Stationery, Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

TH Chinner, Draper, Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

FH Frith, Boot Shop, Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Otto Dassell Butcher, Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Margaret Callary General Store, Main Street Petersburg, 1909. The footpath at the front of Mrs Callary’s shop was raised so as to reduce flooding risk. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

J Horan Butcher, Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Ledger Bakery, located at 91 Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

CA Schulz Saddlery, 97-99 Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Peterzelt Carpenter, 137 Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Steinke Brothers bakery, Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Later Bell’s Bakery and Railway Bakery. The bakery was adjacent to the ANZ Bank and is now part of the newsagency. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

WJ Dickson shoe shop, 147 Main Street, Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Petersburg Butter Factory, Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

SW Dickson grocery, Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Dobbie & Co, Drapers, 181 Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Later Matthews Emporium. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

AL Johnston drapery and CT Edwards grocery, 139-141 Main Street Petersburg, 1909. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Front of Adolph Brauer’s tinsmith shop on Main Street Petersburg, c. 1900s. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.