East end of Main Street Petersburg, 1893. Federal Hotel corner to the right. The Threadgold Builders building was the first Post Office in Petersburg, later George Jenkins General Store.

East end of Main Street Petersburg, 1893. Federal Hotel corner to the right. The Threadgold Builders building was the first Post Office in Petersburg, later George Jenkins General Store.

Early photo of the southern side of the eastern end of Main Street Petersburg, 1893. Federal Hotel corner and Silver Street to the right. JW Bowering’s business is the building with the veranda in the distance. The shed standing on the corner was Heithersay’s blacksmith. White shed to the right in the distance was the Wesleyan Church, later the Catholic school.

Picnic procession in Main Street Peterborough, 1892. To the right is the railway engineer’s house, Silver Street, William Heithersay’s blacksmith (the Federal Hotel was built on this site in 1898). JW Bowering’s 2nd shop is the two storey building in the distance. The photo would have been taken from the balcony of the Junction Hotel on the corner of High Street.

Main Street Peterborough, c. 1890s. The ES&A bank is behind the trees to the left and the horse and cart is out the front of Steinke’s Bakery.

Sonnemann Bakery in Main Street Petersburg, c. 1890

Tom Richards’ fruit shop Main Street Petersburg, c. 1890s. Tom and his wife standing in front of the shop.

Main Street Petersburg Lademann Hairdresser, c. 1892. Lademann’s store later became Baird’s. Peterborough Hotel far left. (Source unknown)

Osborne Boot shop and W Rohde Bakery at the east end of Main Street Peterborough, c. 1890s

Main Street Petersburg looking east, c. 1892. Sonnemann Bakery, which later became Matthews Emporium. (Source unknown)

PA Callary store in Main Street Peterborough looking east, c. 1890s. Junction Hotel to the rear.

Building what became Heithersay’s Auction Rooms, corner of Main and Jervois Streets Petersburg, c. 1890s

Store of T Holland fruiterer, Main Street Petersburg, c. 1890s

Cox Bros Shop Main Street Petersburg, c. 1890s

Tom Richards’ Fruit and Confectionery Palace, Main Street Petersburg, c. 1890s

Horse and cart out the front of Adolph Brauer’s tinsmith at 71 Main Street Petersburg, c. 1890s.

Petersburg tinsmith Adolph Brauer’s house and shop in Main Street Petersburg, c. 1890s. Adolph Brauer is in the centre.

Tinsmith Adolph Brauer’s first shop in Petersburg, c. 1890s. Brauer was mostly located in Main Street but it’s possible this establishment was somewhere near the eastern end of what is now Bourke Street.

Petersburg tinsmith Adolph Brauer’s shop and house in Main Street Peterburg, c. 1890s. Adolph Brauer is in the centre with his hands in his pockets.

Corrugated iron tank manufactured in Petersburg by tinsmith Adolph Brauer (on left), c. 1890s

House and shop of Petersburg tinsmith Adolph Brauer, Main Street Petersburg, c. 1890s. Adolph Brauer is second from the right.

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.