Savings Bank Jervois Street Peterborough, c. 1900s

Corner of Jervois St and Kitchener St Peterborough, c. 1900s. Courthouse to the right. The boys are students of Mr Dalrymple’s St Andrews School for boys which is just out of the picture to the left.

Early photo of Jervois Street in Petersburg, c. 1900s

Savings Bank, Jervois Street Petersburg, c. 1900s

Corner of Jervois Street and Bismarck (later Kitchener) Street, Petersburg, c. 1900s. Court House and police station to right and town hall in background. To the left is St Andrew’s School for boys, run by Mr Dalrymple. The building later became the Savings Bank of SA.

Constructing Heithersay’s Auction Rooms, corner of Main and Jervois Streets Peterborough, c. 1910s

Robert Heithersay’s Petersburg Auction Mart on the corner of Main Street and Jervois Street, c. 1910s

Petersburg Times office in Jervois Street, c. 1900s. Owner RM Osborne is to the right.

The Peterborough Times Office and staff in Jervois St Peterborough, 1919

Savings Bank of SA, Jervois Street Peterborough, 1974. Old and new town halls in the distance.

Jervois Street Peterborough looking from Main Street, 1975

Peterborough Police Station in Jervois Street Peterborough, 1975

Police Station, Jervois Street Peterborough, 1990

Peterborough Court House in Jervois Street, 1974

Peterborough centenary celebrations, 1976. Ratsch butchers’ horse and cart at the corner of Jervois and Kitchener Streets. Court house in the background.

Peterborough Times office and Osborne Printing Works, Jervois Street Peterborough, 1976. Was once Meredith’s Fruit Shop.

Former Heithersay’s Auction Mart in Jervois Street Peterborough, 1990. Old town hall in background.

Corner of Jervois and Victoria Streets Peterborough looking north along Jervois Street, 1978

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.