Laying the foundation stone for the Peterborough Hospital, 9 September 1920. Sir and Lady WEGA Weigall, Mayor SD Jones (standing at right).

Peterborough Hospital opening day, 5 April 1922

Peterborough Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital, c. 1923

Peterborough Hospital looking east towards the maternity wing, c. 1927

Doctor Goode with students of Peterborough Primary School at the opening of the Peterborough Hospital Maternity wing, 12 February 1926 (not 1927).

Panoramic view of the maternity and general wings of the Peterborough Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital, 1927

Peterborough Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital maternity wing, c. 1930s

Peterborough Hospital with Hurlstone Street in the foreground, 1971. Taken from the roof of 16 Hurlstone Street looking south west.

Hurlstone Street entrance to the Peterborough Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital, 1976

Peterborough hospital staff accommodation on Hurlstone Street, 1976

Peterborough Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital, 1976

Peterborough hospital staff accommodation on Hurlstone Street, 1976

The hospital entrance in Hurlstone Street Peterborough, 1983

Aged Care Hostel adjacent to the hospital in Hill Street Peterborough, 1989

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.