Flooding in Main Street Peterborough, c. 1890s

Building the cement drain Peterborough, c. 1912

Wooden-framed house at 5 Silver Street Peterborough. This house was relocated in the first part of the 1900s by bullock teams from near the area of the current primary school oval. It was relocated because of a persistent threat of flooding in its original location.

Flooding in High Street Petersburg, March 1899

Peterborough Main Street under flood near the subway, c. 1919. Peterborough Hotel in centre.

Flooding in Main Street Peterborough, c. 1919. Peterborough Hotel to right.

Flooding in Peterborough, c. 1919. Quorn bridge with O’Dea’s house in background.

Flooding in Main Street Peterborough out the front of the Railway Hotel, 1919

Flooding in Main Street Petersburg at the front of the Federal Hotel, c. 1910s

Flooding at the front of the Federal Hotel, Main Street Petersburg, c. 1910s

Flooding out the front of the Peterborough Hotel in Main Street, 1919

1914 flood in Petersburg. RW Goudie’s house to left and Methodist Manse on right (looking north)

Railway Street Peterborough after a flood, c. 1919

Flooding in Kitchener Street Petersburg, house opposite the Salvation Army Citadel, c. 1910s

Flooding at Petersburg in 1915. Clip from the SA Chronicle Newspaper, 2 January 1915.

Smith’s house in Jervois Street Petersburg in the aftermath of an c. 1910s flood. The house was behind the Anglican Church and the Methodist church is in the distance. The house, along with 18 others, was demolished after a series of damaging floods.

Adelaide passenger train arriving in Petersburg in floodwaters. Clip from the SA Chronicle Newspaper, 21 November 1914.

Peterborough yard in flood. Clip from the SA Chronicle Newspaper, 21 November 1914.

Flooding in Jervois Street Petersburg, c. 1910s

Aftermath of flooding at Cox’s house Peterborough, c. 1910s

Flooding in Petersburg prior to the construction of the drain, c. 1910s

Flooding in Petersburg in front of the Federal Hotel on the corner of Main Street and Silver Street, c. 1910s

Flooding in Main Street Peterborough at the front of George Jenkins general store opposite the Federal Hotel, c. 1910s

Flooding in the Peterborough drain in Bridges Street, 1919

Flooding in Peterborough at the east end of Railway Terrace near the cottages, c. 1919

Flooding aftermath at the front of RW Goudie’s house, Bridges Street Peterborough, 1919

Aftermath of the 1919 flood at the house of H Eager in Jervois Street Peterborough, behind the Baptist Church.

Water entering the Peterborough drain inlet, Cotton Road, 1919

Flooding at the Peterborough Railway Station, 1919. Note the timber for the Broken Hill mines. Photo by Mrs Jago of Terowie.

Flooding in Peterborough, 1919. The people in the distance are standing at the exit of the drain on the Quorn railway bridge just outside of Peterborough on the Orroroo road.

Flooding in Main Street Peterborough opposite the subway, c. 1919

The west end of Peterborough in flood, c. 1919

Peterborough railway yard under flood, looking east with the goods shed in the background, c. 1919

The west end of the Peterborough drain under flood, c. 1920s

Flooding in Main Street Peterborough, c. 1920s. Photo taken from the Peterborough Hotel balcony.

Flooding in Peterborough, c. 1920s. Kitchener Street looking towards the power house.

Flooding at the Mill Crossing corner of Silver Street and Railway Terrace Peterborough, c. 1920s

Flooding in Main Street Peterborough 1929 near subway. Advertising boards for Capitol Theatre and picture shows at the new Town Hall.

Flooding in Peterborough, c. 1920s. Quorn railway bridge with O’Dea’s house in background.

Flooding in Peterborough, c. 1920s. Beth and Barry Bowering; Mrs Reed’s house in centre.

Flooding at the corner of Bridges and Jervois Streets Peterborough looking towards Main Street, c. 1920s. Old town hall in Main Street in the distance.

Flooding in Peterborough, c. 1920s

Peterborough drain under flood, c. 1920s

Flooding in Peterborough Main Street, 1929. Railway Hotel on left.

Flooding in Main Street Peterborough in front of the Town Hall, c. 1920s

Flooding in Peterborough at Both’s corner, Silver Street, c. 1920s

Flooding in Peterborough, c. 1920s

Flooding in Peterborough, c. 1920s

Flooding in Peterborough looking towards the drain, c. 1920s. G Matthew’s house to right.

Flooding at the rear of Peterborough Baptist Church in Jervois Street looking towards the drain, c. 1920s

Flooding at Peterborough, c. 1920s

Flooding at Peterborough, c. 1920s

Flooding in the Peterborough railway yard, c. 1920s

Flooding at the corner of Badger and Kitchener Streets Peterborough looking north west, c. 1920s

Peterborough drain outlet near the Quorn bridge, c. 1920s

Flooding of wooden homes at the east end of Peterborough main street, c. 1920s

Peterborough resident Rachel Fidge with her son Noel, c. 1920s. Sylvia Day, Mrs Tom Price, Tom Price, son Rex, Mr Woods from Quorn.

Bill Gibb’s property on the north west side of Peterborough under flood, c. 1920s. Mixed consist train in the background on its way to Quorn.

Flooding in Silver Street Peterborough, 1930. The picket fence to the left was the area where it is believed the first Petersburg Times was printed in 1887.

Peterborough Junction Hotel corner in flood, c. 1940s

Peterborough Junction Hotel corner in flood, c. 1940s

Flooding in Peterborough, c. 1941. Photo taken in Badger Street looking north toward the storm drain in foreground and Volunteer Militia Drill Hall in background.

Peterborough drain in flood at east end of Victoria Street, 1941. Photo is taken looking east and the storm drain is in the centre.

Flooding in Jervois Street Peterborough behind the Baptist Church, 1941. Stranded vehicle in centre and storm drain in the background.

Flooding in High Street Peterborough looking towards Main Street, 1941. Junction Hotel on right.

Flooding at rear of Baptist Church Jervois Street Peterborough, c. 1941

Flooding in front of the town hall in Main Street Peterborough, 1941

Flooding in Peterborough, Forgan’s foundry in the background, 1941

Flooding in a Peterborough street, c. 1940s

Flooding by the ice works in Silver Street Peterborough, c. 1940s

Peterborough Railway dam under flood, c. 1940s

Peterborough SAR dam in flood, c. 1940s

Peterborough drain in flood. Methodist church in the background, c. 1940s

Flooding in Peterborough Main Street, c. 1940s

Flooding in Peterborough. Anglican Church in background; Joan Zanker watching on, c. 1940s

Flooding in Peterborough corner of Kitchener and Jervois Streets (Anglican church rectory on left), c. 1940s

Flooding in the east end of Peterborough yard showing the old Work’s Foreman Depot c. 1956. First room is the District Foreman’s office. The small humpy was for the east end crossing keeper, whose job was to operate the Silver Street warning bells and admit Cockburn and Terowie trains.

Peterborough in flood, c. 1970s

Peterborough Primary School oval under flood, c. 1970s

Peterborough storm drain adjacent to Bridges Street, 1975. Prior to the construction of the drain in the 1910s, the local area, including the Main Street, was subject to severe flooding. 18 houses had been built along the area known locally as the flat and were often flooded out, the water rising to over 1 metre on at least one occasion. The drain mitigated flooding problems and the 18 houses were demolished.

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.