Peterborough Cemetery

Peterborough Cemetery, 1988

Grave enclosure of Peterborough resident and railway guard Ben Head who was a member of explorer John McDouall Stuart’s 1860 expedition into the centre of Australia. Peterborough cemetery, 1985.

Grave enclosure of Peterborough resident and railway guard Ben Head who was a member of explorer John McDouall Stuart’s 1860 expedition into the centre of Australia.

Peterborough cemetery headstone for Peterborough resident and railway guard Ben Head who was a member of explorer John McDouall Stuart’s 1860 expedition into the centre of Australia.

Peterborough cemetery grave of James Jamieson. James farmed in the Black Rock area for 32 years and then in the Yongala district a few km from Peterborough. He was a Yongala councillor.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Mary and Edwin Potter. Ted Potter was a painter and decorator and had a shop in Main Street Petersburg.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Robert, Arthur and Mary Perkins. Arthur Perkins, son of Robert, was killed in WWI. Robert had a farm property at Ucolta and was well-known for his invention of the wheat bag lifter.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Arthur and Emma Fuller. Arthur had a property at the northern end of Cotton Road and was also a railway guard.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Archie Williams. Archie was a well-respected engineman and Loco Inspector of Peterborough.

Peterborough cemetery grave of John Omar. Johnny Omar was a well-known hawker in the Peterborough region and would travel the area with horse and cart. He had a store in Main Street Peterborough.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Victor Sampson.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Gertrude and Bill Fogarty. Bill was born at Lancelot in 1899 and his father was the proprietor of the Lancelot Hotel. When he left Lancelot as a child his father ran the Mount Grainger hotel.

Peterborough cemetery graves of Dan and Ellen Brennan. Danny was an engineman and worked for almost 47 years on the railways.

Peterborough cemetery grave of James O’Brien. James was a railway guard and was run over in the Terowie yard and critically injured and died as a result.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Mary and Vic Good. The Goods lived next door to the primary school.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Arthur and Ella Bain. Arthur was a Peterborough engineman.

Peterborough cemetery grave of James and Amelia Casey. Jim Casey was the owner of the Petersburg Hotel.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Kevin and Ciss Hutchins. Kevin and Ciss’s daughter Cheryl was the smallest baby born at the Peterborough hospital.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Thomas ‘Tim’ Jenkins. Tim was a highly respected and experienced Peterborough engineman. Also of Syd Meaney who was a railway traffic inspector.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Jim Lang. Jim Lang worked the farm previously owned by the Cheffer family at Paradise Alley, a little to the northeast of Peterborough.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Heinrich and Caroline Winter. The Winters were German settlers who came to South Australia in the 1840s and took up a farm 5 km from Petersburg in 1886.

Peterborough cemetery grave of FC Ahrns. Ahrns was a Petersburg blacksmith with a property in Bismarck Street.

Peterborough cemetery grave of CFW Just who was a farmer from Dawson and a Coglin councillor.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Louise Luedeke. H Luedeke was a blacksmith in Main Street Petersburg and also a town councillor.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Adolph Brauer. Brauer owned a tinsmith business at the east end of Main Street Petersburg. He was also a town councillor.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Mary Sargeant. Mary was the mother in law of Charlie Betteridge who owned a newsagency and stationery shop on the corner of Main and Jervois Streets Petersburg.

Peterborough cemetery grave of William and Bridget Casey. William Casey had a farm about 5 km south of Petersburg.

Peterborough cemetery grave of James Cochrane, son of Richard and Ann Cochrane. Richard Cochrane was an early settler of Petersburg and owned land to the west. What is now Peterborough West (to the west of Hurlstone Street) was originally known as Cochrane Town.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Francis Brady. Francis was an early pioneer of Petersburg, arriving from Ireland in 1883. Brady was a chemist.

Peterborough cemetery graves of Francis and Paul Rucioch. Paul Rucioch was a farmer.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Stanislaus and Rosetta Malycha. Stanislaus was a farming pioneer of Petersburg, having land to the south of the town.

Peterborough cemetery graves of Bridget and Michael Naughton. Michael was a farmer near Petersburg.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Philip Callary, general storekeeper in Main Street Petersburg. Philips’s wife Margaret ran the business following his death.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Mary, James, Thomas and Bridget Bennett.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Margaret, Annie and James Holland. Thomas Holland owned a fruit shop in Main Street Petersburg.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Mary and Frederick Staer. Frederick was the Dawson publican and then moved to Petersburg and built the Federal Hotel. He was also a town councillor.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Florence and Mary Ridge

Peterborough cemetery grave of Eva Bennett, wife of WH Bennett, owner of Peterborough Times

Peterborough cemetery grave of James and WH Bennett. WH Bennett was the manager and editor of the Peterburg Times, and his son James worked in the office for 13 years. James died of typhoid aged 26.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Teresa Snigg, wife of Paddy Snigg. Paddy was the owner and operator of a drapery and grocery on the corner of Main and Meadow Streets, opposite the Railway Hotel. The store later became the Peterborough Co-operative Store.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Alex Melville. Melville’s death was caused through a head injury caused by a locomotive fire iron.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Mary Gentry

Peterborough cemetery grave of Louisa Schulz, wife of local saddler Charles Schulz. An inquest determined that Louisa died of advanced stomach cancer, a death which was accelerated through the administration of an iron based “medicine” by “Dr” Alfieri, an itinerant quack.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Frederick Renner. Renner was a Petersburg doctor.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Joseph Hill

Peterborough cemetery grave of Susie Rushton, daughter of Ben and SE Rushton. Ben Rushton was the Petersburg Loco Superintendent.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Hilda Heithersay, daughter of William and M Heithersay. William Heithersay was a Petersburg blacksmith on the corner of Silver and Main Streets Peterborough where the Federal Hotel now stands.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Robert Osborne. Robert’s father started the Petersburg Times and was the owner and proprietor for many years.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Janet and Andrew Porter. Andrew ‘Whiskey’ Porter was a Petersburg jeweller, a business which continued for many decades.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Annie and George Randle. George Randle ran a general store in Main Street Petersburg.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Emma Edmonds. Emma would have been a relative of renowned Australian tenor Thomas Edmonds.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Marion Hoile, wife of Edward Hoile. Edward Hoile came to Petersburg from Laura and started E Hoile and Son Chemist.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Ambrose Hill

Peterborough cemetery grave of Johann and Elizabeth Wehr. Johann was injured in a railway accident on 4 December 1907 at Yunta. He was travelling to Yunta on a railway tricycle to get medicine for a sick ganger. He didn’t hear a train approaching from behind and was hit and injured.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Ralph Tennyson.

Peterborough cemetery grave of John and William Newman. Newman may have been a fitter in the Petersburg railway.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Richard and Mary Nourse who were very early settlers of Petersburg. Their farm was on the Ucolta side of Dowd’s hill to the south of the Broken Hill road.

Peterborough cemetery graves of Mabel and George Thyer. Thyers had property in the Cavenagh, Dawson district.

Peterborough Cemetery grave of Thomas Grocock junior. Thomas senior was a Petersburg engineman.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Jessie Wheatley Koch, wife of Milton Koch, died of cancer age 23. Jessie was the granddaughter of JW Bowering who was one of the early settlers of Petersburg. He was a carpenter, undertaker, town councillor and mayor. Milton Koch was a grandson of JH Koch, first settler in Petersburg.

Grave of Anna Lademann, daughter of J Lademann, Petersburg hairdresser. Peterborough cemetery, 1985

Wife of HH Rohde, second settler in Peterborough. Peterborough cemetery, 1985. Rohde is buried in the Freeling cemetery.

Grave of John Torr at Yongala, 1990. Torr also owned property at Peterborough and Peterborough’s Torr Street is named after him.

Thelma Olsen grave, wife of Peterborough engineman Frank Olsen, 1988

John Wills’ grave, Peterborough cemetery, 1988. John Wills was a Peterborough electrician and business owner in Main Street.

Grave at Peterborough of engineman Harry Viney who was killed at Paratoo in a 400 Class locomotive derailment, 1960

Memorial cross for the Catholic section of the Peterborough cemetery

Headstone of Henry Clarke in Peterborough cemetery. Clarke was a local butcher in Petersburg.

Headstone of engineman John Canfield in Peterborough cemetery. Canfield was single and had no relatives in Australia, yet his funeral was one of the best attended. A large number of railway traffic and loco employees paid their respects.

Headstone of Gertrude and Irinie Badger in Peterborough cemetery, daughters of HL Badger who was a business owner in Petersburg

Headstone of Mary Sargeant in Peterborough cemetery. Mary was the mother of the wife of Charlie Betteridge, a prominent business owner of Peterborough.

Headstone in Peterborough cemetery of Samuel Eager who was killed in the Walloway accident on Nov 16 1901

Peterborough grave of George Madex

Peterborough grave of Hilda Heithersay, daughter of Petersburg blacksmith William Heithersay

Peterborough grave of Johann Gottlieb Koch, father of Johann Heinrich Koch who was the original settler of Peterborough on Section 218.

Peterborough grave of ALJ ‘Leonard’ Breeding, accidently killed at Cockburn in 1917. Len caught the heel of his boot in the rail during a shunting operation and was run over and killed instantly.

Bill Smith’s grave at Peterborough cemetery, the most elaborate grave in the cemetery, c. 1950s.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Oscar Blomquest. Blomquest owned a fruiterer’s shop in Main Street Petersburg.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Vera Brimage. Vera died from food poisoning after eating contaminated ice cream bought from a shop in Main Street.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Albert Adams. Teenager Albert was drowned when he was washed off a poorly constructed bridge during a flood.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Emily and Samuel Heithersay. Samuel was a carter at Saltia before coming to Petersburg, and was the uncle of Robert Heithersay who was a Petersburg auctioneer.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Joseph Witty. Witty had a farm near Dowd’s hill to the east of Peterborough and also had a butcher shop in Railway Terrace on the corner of Lloyd Street.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Anna Koch. Anna was the daughter of JH Koch and Auguste Koch (nee Doecke), the original settlers of Section 216 in Petersburg.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Anna Lademann. Anna’s husband had a hairdressing salon in Main street Petersburg.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Lena and HT Luck. HT Luck was a farmer a little to the north of Peterborough. Due to a series of bad seasons he sold up and took on the mail contract between the Post Office and Peterborough Railway station, a job he held for 26 years.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Carl Schulz. Carl was a saddler in Main Street Petersburg and was also a town councillor.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Martin Roennfeldt.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Ernst and Anna Graefe. Graefes were early farmers to the east of Petersburg.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Wilhelmina Chadwick. Bert Chadwick was a Peterborough engineman.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Beatrice Renk. Herman Renk was a Petersburg jeweller in Main Street.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Wilhelm Wehr. Bill Wehr was killed in a railway accident just south of Yongala when part of the train decoupled and he was crushed.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Gertrude Rohde. Gertrude Rohde was the wife of Herman Heinrich Rohde, who was the son of Heinrich Herman Rohde, the first settler in Petersburg on Section 218.

Peterborough cemetery grave of Charles Hoile. Charlie Hoile was the son of E Hoile and Son Chemists.

Peterborough railway employee Lance Wills cemetery plaque

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.