Peterborough township taken from the floodlight at the east end of the railway yard, 1975. Looking southeast with Railway terrace in foreground, St Anacletus Church to left and St Joseph’s primary school in the centre.

Early photo of the southern side of the eastern end of Main Street Petersburg, 1893. Federal Hotel corner to the right. The shed standing on the corner was Heithersay’s blacksmith. White shed to the right in the distance was the Wesleyan Church, later the Catholic school.

St Joseph’s Catholic School, Railway Terrace Petersburg, c. 1900. The school building was formerly the Wesleyan Church.

Students of St Joseph Catholic Convent school Petersburg, 1916. Photo by EA Spears.

Students of the original St Joseph’s Catholic School at the east end of Railway Terrace Petersburg, c. 1900s. This building was originally the Wesleyan Church.

The old Catholic School at the east end of Railway Terrace Peterborough 1974. This building was originally the Wesleyan Church.

St Joseph’s Convent School Peterborough, c. 1950s

St Joseph’s Catholic primary school, 1975

St Joseph’s Catholic primary school, 1975

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.