Original Baptist Church in Jervois Street Peterborough prior to extensions being added, c. 1890s

Petersburg Baptist church choir. Copied from ‘Progressive Petersburg: describing and illustrating a town and district with great possibilities’, Robertson, J. Edward, 1909

Petersburg Baptist Christian Endeavour, 1912. Back: Ruby Octman, Vera Jones, Angus Jamieson, Ina Mansell, Gilmour Jamieson, Myrtle Bosence, Fred Pennington, Elvie Eager, Pearl Melville, Dorrie Condell, Olive Melville. Middle: Miss Clisby, Lottie Usher, Daisey Pearson, Nellie Drayson, Stella Mansell, Rev. B. Hewison, Mrs Hewison, Emily Melville, Alex Jamieson, Ada Onley, Bessie Baker. Front: JW Bowering, TH Chinner, Roy Mildren, HJ Badger, Bert Pascoe.

Petersburg Baptist church with Tennyson Hall to the left, Bismarck Street (later Kitchener) Petersburg, c. 1900s

Peterborough Baptist Church, c. 1930s. The church is in Kitchener Street and the smaller building to the left of the photo is Tennyson Hall.

Petersburg Baptist Church, 1909

Rev & Mrs A Gowans, Peterborough Baptist Minister, c. 1930s

Peterborough Baptist church minister Rev CR Hawke, c. 1920s

Baptist Church Jervois Street Peterborough, c. 1970s

Peterborough West Baptist then Methodist Church, 1975

Rev Cecil Noble in Peterborough Baptist Church, 1934

Interior of Peterborough Baptist Church, 1975

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.