ES&A Bank, Main Street Petersburg, 1909

ES&A Bank, Main Street Petersburg, c. 1910s

ES&A Bank, Main Street Petersburg, c. 1910s

E.S.&A. Bank Main Street Petersburg, c. 1913

ANZ Bank Main Street Peterborough, 1972

ANZ Bank Main Street Peterborough, 1977. Bank was formerly the ES&A.

National Bank in Main Street Peterborough, 1975. Railway Hotel to left.

National Bank in Main Street Peterborough, 1983

The original Savings Bank of South Australia on the corner of Jervois and Bismarck (later Kitchener) Streets Petersburg, c. 1914

WH Smith Cycle Shop Main Street Petersburg, c. 1910s. This was an agency for the Savings Bank of South Australia and the property was eventually demolished for a BankSA building.

Meredith’s Corner Main Street Peterborough c. 1940s. The later became Bank of South Australia from 1967

The original Savings Bank of South Australia on the corner of Jervois and Kitchener Streets Peterborough, 1974

BankSA on the corner of Main Street and Jervois Street Peterborough looking east along Main Street, 1974

Main Street Peterborough with the Savings Bank of South Australia (Later BankSA) on the corner of Jervois Street, 1974

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.