Petersburg Federal Band, c. 1900s. Front Left: Cyril Chinner, A Condell immediately behind; A Kitson second from right in second row.

Petersburg’s JJ Taylor’s Band at Yongala, c. 1900

Petersburg Federal Band, c. 1909

Peterborough’s Federal Band in Victoria Park, c. 1920s

Federal Band in Main Street Peterborough, c. 1920s

Peterborough Primary School Fife Band, c. 1930s. 3rd from left R Goudie; 6th left Kip Hoile; 9th left Peter Logan; 12th left Murray Robinson; 16th left Brian Harris (date unknown)

Peterborough Federal Band Hall situated at the back of 63 Bourke Street, 1978

Peterborough Federal Band Hall situated at the back of 63 Bourke Street, 1978

Plaque on Bandstand in Main Street Peterborough, erected in 1931. As this was in the middle of the Depression, the Workers Benevolent Society raised money for wages and the Federal Band and Council provided the materials.

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.