Y Class locomotive in the early days at Peterborough, c. 1900s. Note the headlight is only a kerosene lamp. E Shepherd and children on the footplate.

Y Class locomotive 13, c. 1900s

Y Class locomotive at Jamestown, c. 1900s. Note the kerosene lamp for a headlight.

Governor General Special Y Class locomotive 100, 14 September 1912. This locomotive was used on the train to transport the Governor General for the turning of the sod ceremony on the east-west line. Photo by W. Choat.

Y Class locomotive 68, c. 1920s

Y Class locomotive, c. 1920s

Y Class locomotive 77, c. 1930s

Y Class locomotive in the narrow gauge yard at Wolsley, c. 1930s

Y Class locomotive 179, c. 1940s

Y Class locomotive 97 hauling a freight movement, c. 1950s

Y Class locomotive 142 at Terowie 1 January 1953. Fireman Ziggy Mielke in the cabin.

Y Class locomotive 93 at and 720 Class broad gauge 725 at Terowie, c. 1950s. Peterborough fireman Don Rhind in the Y Class cabin.

Y Class locomotive 92 at Cockburn, 1950. Crew members Bruce Norman and Des Graham.

Silverton Tramway Y Class locomotive 16 and V Class 146 on the turntable at the Peterborough loco depot, 26 January 1953. Photo by M. Billett.

Y Class locomotive 12 at Railwaytown, Port Pirie, 1953

Silverton Tramway Y Class locomotive 12 at Railway town Broken Hill, December 1953

Y Class locomotive 97 at the Terowie coal tippler, c. 1950s

Y Class locomotive 91 in Ellen Street Port Pirie, c. 1950s

T Class locomotives 44 and 211 and Y Class 97 crossing, 13 October 1969. Photo by M Billett

Y Class locomotive 97 and T Class 211 on the Black Rock bridge, 13 October 1969. Engineman Paddy Harding and fireman Eric Rann on Y 97, engineman Colin Taylor and fireman Brian Stigwood on T 211. Photo by M. Billett.

Y Class locomotive 97 on the bridge at Crystal Brook, c. 1960s

Y Class locomotive 97 under steam between Jamestown and Belalie North, c. 1960s. Gordon Jeffs engineman.

Y Class locomotive 97 at Yongala, 9 October 1967. Photo by M. Billett.

Australian Railways Historical Society train hauled by Y Class locomotive 97, 9 October 1967

Y Class locomotive 97 adjacent to the Peterborough coal gantry, 9 October 1967. Engineman Tony Mussolino in cabin, Brian Watkins to the left and ? Edwards.

Australian Railways Historical Society train hauled by Y Class locomotive 97 at Belalie North, 9 October 1967

New broad gauge line under construction at Terowie, 8 June 1968. 500 Class locomotive 523, Y Class locomotive 97, T Class locomotive 211.

Y Class locomotive 97 at the Port Pirie loco depot, c. 1960s

Y Class locomotive 98 and T Class 208 on the Peterborough loco depot turntable, c. 1960s

Y Class locomotive 97, 9 October 1967

Y Class locomotive 97 passenger movement at Yongala, October 9, 1967. Photo by M. Billett.

Y Class locomotive 97 on the turntable at the Peterborough loco depot, 1967

Y Class locomotive 97 at Terowie station, 1965

Y Class locomotive 97 at Peterborough, 1962

Y Class locomotive 97, c. 1960s. L to R: Peter Shearer, Jess Averis, Archie Williams, Ron Slattery, Tony Mussolino.

Black Rock, Australian Railways Historical Society Y Class locomotive 97 and T Class 248 , Gladstone to Wilmington, 6 May 1962

Black Rock, Australian Railways Historical Society Y Class locomotive 97 and T Class 248 , Gladstone to Wilmington, 6 May 1962

Black Rock, Australian Railways Historical Society Y Class locomotive 97 and T Class 248 , Gladstone to Wilmington, 6 May 1962

Y Class locomotive passing through the cutting at Gumbowie, c. 1960s

Y Class Locomotive 82 in children’s play area at Victoria Park Peterborough, 1978

Y Class locomotive 82 in Victoria Park at Peterborough, 1973

Y Class locomotive 97 hauling an historical society passenger in the Nantabibbie area, 1974

Y Class locomotive 97 at Nantabibbie, 1974

Peterborough engineman Max Twigen on Y Class locomotive 97, 1974

Y Class locomotive 97 at Nackara, 1974

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.