V Class 144 steam locomotive being lifted by crane on to the deck of the ‘Governor Musgrave’ at Port Pirie for transportation to Port Germein for use on the jetty as the jetty shunter, 1906. SLSA PRG 280/1/5/139

Peterborough loco depot with V Class locomotive in foreground, c. 1940s

V Class locomotive and engine crew at Petersburg, c. 1910s

V Class locomotive at Peterborough loco depot, c. 1950s

V Class locomotive 146 at the Peterborough loco depot, c. 1940s. The locomotive first arrived at Peterborough in 1938 and was condemned in 1953.

V Class locomotive at Peterborough loco depot, c. 1940s. Lionel Noble, H Hanlon, __?, __? Trudgeon.

V Class locomotive 10 at the Peterborough loco depot, c. 1930s. Number 10 came to Peterborough in 1922.

V Class 146 at Peterborough Loco c. 1954. The locomotive was known as ‘The Rat’ and was used for shunting T Class and Y Class locomotives into and out of the roundhouse.

V Class locomotive 146 at the Peterborough loco depot, c. 1940s

Two V Class lcomotives at the Peterborough loco depot, c. 1940s

V Class locomotive 9 at the Peterborough loco depot, 26 January 1953. The engine is now on static display at Naracoorte Park.

Peterborough Loco Depot. V Class locomotive 146 used for shunting in and out of the roundhouse. Chains (foreground) were placed over the rail to prevent the movement from running into the turntable pit. WO Evans engineman.

V Class locomotive 9 at Peterborough loco depot, c. 1950s. Des Willis Collection.

V Class locomotive 9 at Peterborough loco depot, c. 1950s. Des Willis Collection.

Two V Class locomotives entering the turntable at the Peterborough loco depot, c. 1950s. Stabled 300 Class locomotives in the background. Des Willis Collection.

V Class locomotive 9 at Peterborough, c. 1950s. These were known as The Rat by enginemen. Des Willis Collection.

Two V Class locomotives and 730 Class locomotive at the Terowie loco depot, c. 1950s. Des Willis Collection.

V Class locomotive 144 first entered service in 1893 and worked on the northern division. In 1906 it was transferred to Port Germein for use on the jetty.

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.