First Standard Gauge 700 Class locomotive arriving at Peterborough, December 1971. L to R: Marty Brennan (fireman), Horst Lemke (engineman), Colin McKenzie (ALCO engineer), Lionel Noble (Loco Inspector)

700 Class locomotive 700 at Broken Hill, 1971. Peterborough engineman Max Twigden in door.

Indian Pacific 700 Class locomotive 703 exiting Dowd’s Hill tunnel, Ucolta, 1971

Indian Pacific 700 Class locomotive 703 exiting Dowd’s Hill tunnel, Ucolta, 1971

700 Class locomotive 700 at Broken Hill, 1971

Indian Pacific 700 Class locomotive 703 on the deviation around Hutton’s Lagoon, Ucolta, 1971

700 Class locomotive 703 in the Peterborough yard, 1971

Peterborough engineman Max Twigden at the controls of a 700 class locomotive, 1971

700 Class locomotive 700 ore train at Mannahill, March 1984.

Eastbound Indian Pacific at Peterborough, February 23 1974. 700 Class locomotive 703, 600 Class locomotive 605, and GM Class locomotives 39 and 41 hauling the Indian Pacific. Photo by M. Billett.

Eastbound Indian Pacific at Gladstone, 23 February 1974. 700 Class locomotive 703, 600 Class locomotive 605, and GM Class locomotives 39 and 41 hauling the Indian Pacific. Photo by M. Billett.

703 Indian Pacific near the Zinc Corporation mine at Broken Hill, 25 April 1972. Photo by JL Wilson.

Indian Pacific 700 Class locomotive 703, 1971

Refuelling a 700 Class locomotive. Walter Weber and Wit Kot, July 1975

700 Class locomotive 704 Indian Pacific passenger at Peterborough station, 1975. Otto Vesecky and Ron Kamin.

700 Class locomotive 704 at Mingary, February 1974

700 Class locomotive 703, 600 Class locomotive, 2 x GM Class locomotives pulling the Indian Pacific at Port Pirie station, 1974

700 Class locomotive 702 arrives at Broken Hill, September 1971. Carrying spare bogies and motors.

700 Class locomotive 702 arrives at Broken Hill, September 1971. Carrying spare bogies and motors.

Peterborough engineman Horst Lemke at the controls of a 700 Class locomotive, 1970

Peterborough engineman Ray Schell at the controls of a 700 Class locomotive, 1970

700 Class locomotive 703 and 930 Class locomotive 955 in the Peterborough yard, 1970. 703 was the first 700 Class locomotive to be used for the Indian Pacific en route to Port Pirie 1971.

Indian Pacific 700 Class locomotive 703 passing through Peterborough, 1971

700 Class locomotive 701 in Port Pirie yard. This was the first 700 Class locomotive to haul a train (250 up) from Port Pirie to Peterborough, December 1971.

700 Class locomotive 705 and 600 Class locomotive ore train near Ucolta, 1973

Peterborough engineman Max Twigden in 700 class engine room, 1971

700 Class locomotive speedo in mph, 1971

700 Class locomotive driving position

700 Class locomotive controls, 1971

Pressure gauges on the 700 Class locomotive

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.