Loco inspector Bruce Bickmore and fireman Johnny ? in the cabin of 520 Class locomotive 520, c. 1980s

Engineman Ross Berhndt and loco inspector Bruce Bickmore in the cabin of 520 Class locomotive 520, c. 1980s

520 Class locomotive 526 under steam at Gumbowie, c. 1970

520 Class locomotive passenger leaving the Adelaide station, 1959

520 Class Locomotive 531, c. 1960s

500 Class locomotive 523, Y Class 97 and T Class 211 at the Terowie station, 8 June 1968.

520 Class locomotive 526 at Terowie loco depot, 1969

520 Class locomotive 526 at Terowie loco depot, 1969

520 Class locomotive 531 taking on coal at Terowie, 1960

T Class locomotive 255 and 520 Class at the Terowie passenger platform, c. 1960s

520 Class locomotive 523 at the Terowie railway station, 8 June 1968

Peterborough loco inspector Lionel Noble on 520 Class locomotive 520, c. 1970s

520 Class locomotive 526 passenger leaving Peterborough on the Terowie line, 1970

Peterborough centenary celebrations, 1976. 520 Class locomotive 520 at the Peterborough station. Kevin Simcock (window) and Keith Fitzpatrick in the cabin.

Peterborough centenary celebrations, 1976. 520 Class locomotive 520 at the Peterborough station. Keith Fitzpatrick (left).

Peterborough centenary celebrations, 1976. 520 Class locomotive 520 at the Peterborough station.

520 Class locomotive 520 and Steamtown PMR Class locomotive 720 at Peterborough Station, c. 1970s. PMR 720 was a former WA Government Railways locomotive and is now permanently stabled at the Steamtown museum in Peterborough. Photo by Roger Currie.

Peterborough engineman Lionel Noble in the cabin of 520 Class locomotive, c. 1970

520 Class locomotive 520, c. 1970s. Howard Luscombe (L) and Lionel Noble (R).

520 Class locomotive 520 crew, 1982. L: Lionel Noble, Keith Fitzpatrick, Tom Kruska (Photo by Roger Currie)

520 Class locomotive 526 taking on coal at Port Pirie loco depot, 1970

520 Class locomotive 524 at Port Pirie broad gauge loco depot, 1960. Loco Chargeman Snow Simmons.

520 Class locomotive 526 passenger leaving Port Pirie, 1970

520 Class locomotive 526 passenger leaving Port Pirie, 1970

520 Class locomotive 524 at Port Pirie broad gauge loco depot, 1960. Loco Chargeman Snow Simmons.

Brill railcar 104 and 520 Class locomotive 526 in Ellen Street Port Pirie, c. 1960s

520 Class locomotive 526 passenger in Ellen Street Port Pirie, c. 1960s

View from the cabin of 520 Class locomotive, 1977. Engineman Wally Vostatek.

Rewatering and refueling 520 Class locomotive 520 at Gladstone, 1977

Rewatering and refueling 520 Class locomotive 520 at Gladstone, 1977

Rewatering and refueling 520 Class locomotive 520 at Gladstone, 1977

Engineman Wally Vostatek on 520 Class locomotive 520 at Gladstone, 1977

Engineman Wally Vostatek at the controls of a 520 Class locomotive near Gladstone, 1977

Australian Railway Historical Society trip, 1978. 520 Class locomotive 520.

Australian Railway Historical Society trip, 1978. 520 Class locomotive 520.

520 Class locomotive 520 Steamranger trip at Victor Harbor, 1984

Steamranger 520 Class locomotive 520 at Woodville station, 1978

520 Class locomotive 520 running a Steamranger trip to Victor Harbor, 1984

520 Class locomotive 520 running a Steamranger trip to Victor Harbor, 1984

520 Class locomotive 520 running a Steamranger trip to Victor Harbor, 1984

520 Class locomotive 520 running a Steamranger trip to Victor Harbor, 1984

520 Class locomotive 520 running a Steamranger trip to Victor Harbor, 1984

520 Class locomotive 520 running a Steamranger trip to Victor Harbor, 1984

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.