250 Class Bluebird railcar 254 at the Peterborough railway station platform, c. 1970s

SAR promotional picture of 250 Class Bluebird 1st Class interior. Photo taken at Islington. Bill Grossman (Chief Mechanical engineer) second on left looking out window.

SAR promotional picure of 250 Class Bluebird 2nd class interior.

250 Class Bluebird railcar 251 departing Gladstone for Adelaide, c. 1970s

Railcar driver Jim Duncan alongside 250 Class Bluebird railcar 282, c. 1970s

Railcar driver Karl Mangelson alongside 250 Class Bluebird 256, 1971

Peterborough railcar driver Horst Lemke on a 100 Class Bluebird railcar first class passenger trailer car, c. 1970s

Peterborough railcar driver Horst Lemke on a 100 Class Bluebird railcar first class passenger trailer car, c. 1970s

250 Class Bluebird railcar 259 being loaded with mail, c. 1960s

Controls for a 250 Class Bluebird railcar, 1978

Controls for a 250 Class Bluebird railcar, 1978. On the panel is a standard engineman issue SAR pocket watch.

Driving position for the 250 Class Bluebird railcar, 1984

Night shot of Brill railcar 104 and 250 Class Bluebird railcar 257 at Gladstone, c. 1970s

Brill railcar 106 and 280 Class Bluebird railcar baggage car at Terowie, late 1960s. (Photo by M Billett)

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.