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Clive Mayes loading ballast at Radium Hill, 1965

Clive Mayes loading ballast at Radium Hill, 1965

600 Class locomotive 600 at the Radium Hill ballast bin, 1965

Jack Hogg, ganger on Cutana ballast trains, 1965. Standing on the ballast bins at Radium Hill.

Peterborough engineman Laurie Kuchel on the 600 Class locomotive 600 at the ballast bins at Radium Hill, 1965

600 Class locomotive 600 under the ballast bins at Radium Hill, 1965

Loading ballast at the Radium Hill ballast bin, 1966

Peterborough ganger Jack Hogg and Engineman Karl Haufe with the Radium Hill ballast bin to the left, 1965.

600 Class locomotive 600 speedo at the start of Radium Hill ballast movement. Note the odometer reading.

600 Class locomotive 600 speedo after the Radium Hill pit closed. Note the odometer reading.

Remains of Radium Hill, June 2013

Remains of Radium Hill, June 2013

Remains of Radium Hill, June 2013

Remains of Radium Hill, June 2013

Remains of Radium Hill, June 2013

Remains of Radium Hill, June 2013

Remains of Radium Hill, June 2013

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.