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Members of railway work gang who worked on the change of grade between the S bend between Peecharra and Nantabibbie, 1903. Jim Kendell (far right) and Jack Teague (squatting third from right). The young boys provided water for the workers so that they could continue working. Photo by Ben Hucks.

Camp for the railway workers who worked on the change of grade project between Nackara, Peecharra and Nantabibbie, 1903. The camp was near the Nantabibbie farm of Ben Hucks.

Nantabibbie railway station, c. 1910s. The verandah faced the main Broken Hill road and the station itself was removed in 1930.

Entering the Nantabibbie narrow gauge station yard from the Nackara end, c. 1920. The large rock dislodged during blasting for a cutting can be seen to the right of the train.

Narrow gauge coal train passing through the cutting near Nantabibbie, c. 1920s

The big ‘S’ curve on the narrow gauge line between Nackara and Nantabibbie, c. 1960s

Nantabibbie narrow gauge station yard, c. 1960s

Nackara – Nantabibbie narrow gauge section near the main road crossing, c. 1960s

Entering the Nantabibbie railway yard from the Peecharra end, c. 1960s. The large rock to the left was lodged there during construction of the cutting when 10 charges of dynamite were used.

On Ben Huck’s farm at Nantabibbie, May 1973. The humpy was used in 1903 by railway construction workers to store explosives when the 173 mile railway cutting was being deepened.

Old railway 173 mile cutting near Nantabibbie, May 1973

Remains of a narrow gauge railway cutting, possibly from the original track before the new line at Nantabibbie, 1974

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.