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Petersburg’s Miller family at Nackara Creek, c. 1900. Photo from Rae Miller.

T Class locomotive 258 and 400 Class locomotive 408 crossing at Nackara, 1967

400 Class 409 and 830 Class 840 at Peterborough end of Nackara yard. Lionel Noble in cab of 409.

Railway gang from Nackara, 1967. L: Gordon Heath, Raymond Coulter, Hector Rigney, __?.

Staff shed at Nackara, 1964. Rodney Smith, ganger __ White, Robert Adams.

Nackara ballast pits for rail standardisation, 1967

Nackara ballast pits for rail standardisation, 1967. Machinery operator John Borbas.

Nackara ballast pits for rail standardisation, 1967

Nackara ballast pits for rail standardisation, 1967

Nackara ballast pits for rail standardisation, 1967

Nackara ballast pits for rail standardisation, 1967. 600 Class locomotives 601 and 600.

Remains of the old Nackara narrow gauge railway yard, 1973

Remains of the old Nackara narrow gauge railway yard, 1973

Remains of the old Nackara narrow gauge railway yard, 1973

Remains of the old Nackara narrow gauge railway yard, 1973

Remains of the old Nackara narrow gauge railway yard, 1973

Remains of the old Nackara narrow gauge railway yard, 1973

Remains of the old Nackara narrow gauge railway yard, 1973

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.