Hutton’s Lagoon at Ucolta, 1906

Boat built by Robert Perkins at Ucolta, presumably for use on Hutton’s Lagoon, c. 1900

Overhead tank on the Cockburn line near Hutton’s Lagoon at Ucolta, c. 1920

T Class locomotive passes the overhead tank at Hutton’s Lagoon on the way to Cockburn, c. 1920s

Removing the Hutton’s Lagoon overhead tank at Ucolta c. 1930. Photo by L. Rasmus.

Removing the Hutton’s Lagoon overhead tank at Ucolta c. 1930. Photo by L. Rasmus.

Removing the Hutton’s Lagoon overhead tank at Ucolta c. 1930. Photo by L. Rasmus.

Hutton’s Lagoon Ucolta, 1947

Rowing and swimming on Hutton’s Lagoon at Ucolta, 1947

Hutton’s Lagoon at Ucolta when full, 1947

Hutton’s Lagoon Ucolta, 1947

Huttons Lagoon, Ucolta, February 1973

Hutton’s Lagoon, Ucolta, February 1973

600 Class double header on line through Hutton’s Lagoon Ucolta, 1973. Mark Noble in foreground.

Boating on Hutton’s Lagoon, 1973

Standard gauge track through the filled Hutton’s Lagoon Ucolta, 1973

Standard gauge track through the filled Hutton’s Lagoon Ucolta, 1973

Hutton’s Lagoon at Ucolta when full, 1973

Standard gauge track through the filled Hutton’s Lagoon Ucolta, 1973

Constructing the Ucolta standard gauge deviation around Hutton’s Lagoon, 1973

Preparation for construction of standard gauge deviation track at Hutton’s Lagoon Ucolta after the lagoon filled 1973

Preparation for construction of standard gauge deviation track at Hutton’s Lagoon Ucolta after the lagoon filled, 1973

Preparing to build the Hutton’s Lagoon deviation, 1973

Preparation for construction of standard gauge deviation track at Hutton’s Lagoon Ucolta after the lagoon filled, 1973

Hutton’s Lagoon deviation, Ucolta. Deviation built in 1973 following the filling of the lagoon shortly after standard gauge line was constructed. Main line straight ahead with deveiation to right. Looking west from the east side of Hutton’s Lagoon.

Looking towards Ucolta with the Barrier Highway crossing in the foreground, July 1973. Taken from the deviation line; main line to the left.

Hutton’s Lagoon deviation Ucolta, 1973. The new standard gauge line was built through Hutton’s Lagoon, which filled shortly after the line was completed. As wave action put the embankment at risk, the deviation line around the northern edge of the lagoon had to be

Indian Pacific 700 Class locomotive 703 on the deviation around Hutton’s Lagoon, Ucolta, 1973

Barrier Highway railway crossing at Ucolta adjacent to Hutton’s Lagoon, May 1973

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.