Old vehicle passing through the Dowd’s Hill cutting for the tunnel, c. 1920s

Dowd’s Hill tunnel Ucolta, c. 1920s

Y Class locomotive 248 exiting Dowd’s Hill on the Ucolta side of the tunnel, c. 1920s. This was in the era when the locomotives didn’t have headlights.

Dowd’s Hill tunnel at Ucolta, c. 1920s. Photo by L Rasmus.

Y Class locomotive exiting the Dowd’s Hill tunnel east of Peterborough, c. 1925. Photo by L Rasmus.

Road making on Dowd’s Hill, 1944. Stan Cummings at back, Laurie Malycha in front. Photo by L. Rasmus.

Road making on Dowd’s Hill, 1944. Photo by L Rasmus.

Road making on Dowd’s Hill, 1944. Photo by L Rasmus.

Road making on Dowd’s Hill, 1944. Photo by L Rasmus.

Road making on Dowd’s Hill, 1944. Photo by L Rasmus.

Dowd’s Hill tunnel at Ucolta, c. 1950s

Standardisation earthworks at Dowd’s Hill, 1967

Digging the cutting at Dowd’s hill for standardisation, 1967

Earthworks at Dowd’s Hill, Ucolta, for standardisation, 1967

Earthworks at Dowd’s Hill, Ucolta, for standardisation, 1967

Earthworks at Dowd’s Hill, Ucolta, for standardisation, 1967. The original tunnel is to the left and the new cutting to the right.

Approaching the Dowd’s Hill narrow gauge tunnel at Ucolta, 1967

The first Peterborough standard gauge diesel railway picnic train through Dowd’s Hill to Amelia Park, 1967

The first Peterborough standard gauge diesel railway picnic train through Dowd’s Hill to Amelia Park, 1967

600 Class locomotive 601 to Cockburn exiting Dowd’s Hill tunnel, 2 December 1969. The narrow gauge track had undergone a temporary conversion to standard gauge with every fourth sleeper replaced.

600 Class locomotive 601 to Cockburn exiting Dowd’s Hill tunnel, 2 December 1969. The narrow gauge track had undergone a temporary conversion to standard gauge with every fourth sleeper replaced.

400 Class locomotive 409 passing through the Dowd’s Hill cutting, c. 1970.

Locomotive about to enter Dowd’s Hill tunnel prior to it being covered, 1971

First movement train through Dowd’s Hill tunnel, 1971

Farm adjacent to Dowd’s Hill tunnel Ucolta, 1971. Looking north west from the top of the hill.

Beginning construction of new Dowd’s Hill tunnel for standardisation, 1971. Looking north west from the top of the hill.

Construction of Dowd’s Hill tunnel Ucolta for the new standard gauge line, April 1971

Construction of Dowd’s Hill tunnel Ucolta for the new standard gauge line, April 1971

Construction of Dowd’s Hill tunnel Ucolta for the new standard gauge line, April 1971

Construction of Dowd’s Hill tunnel Ucolta for the new standard gauge line, April 1971

Construction of Dowd’s Hill tunnel Ucolta for the new standard gauge line, April 1971

Construction of Dowd’s Hill tunnel Ucolta for the new standard gauge line, April 1971

New Dowd’s Hill tunnel at Ucolta before being covered with earth, 1971

Indian Pacific 700 Class locomotive 703 exiting Dowd’s Hill tunnel, Ucolta, 1971

700 Class locomotive exiting Dowd’s Hill tunnel, Ucolta 1971

Dowd’s Hill new tunnel, special haulage movement, 1972

Pirinari Whyalla, the first steam train from Sydney to Whyalla about to pass through the Dowd’s Hill cutting, October 1972. Photo by M Billett.

Indian Pacific hauling the Indian Pacific through the standard gauge Dowd’s Hill tunnel and cutting, 1972

Solar charging and battery box under test at Dowd’s Hill tunnel, October 1974.

Twin 600 class on Dowd’s Hill Ucolta, about to enter the tunnel, 1974

Twin 600 class locomotives on the 500 Up service about to enter Dowd’s Hill tunnel, February 1974

This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff. Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.