300 Class Locomotives

Introducing the 300 Class Locomotives, a remarkable chapter in railway history. These narrow gauge Garrett locomotives made their debut on the Peterborough division on 19 March 1952. They quickly gained notoriety for their unreliability, much to the disdain of the engine crews. As the last of the 300 Class, number 305, arrived on 5 November 1952, little did anyone know that their short-lived reign had already been sealed. Explore the fascinating journey of the 300 Class through the eyes of Acting Loco Instructor Jack O’Dea (pictured), who documented the locomotive’s performance in his original handwritten report from 26 March 1952 (available here). Discover the captivating story behind these notorious locomotives and delve into the Lionel Noble Photo Collection for a glimpse into the past.


This site is run by Lionel's son Jeff.  Feel free to make contact through the adjacent form if you would like further information or requests for copies of photos.
